chapter 11

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" Thank you for giving me this opportunity, I really appreciate it, " George says his perfect smile never leaving his lips.

" Oh come on! You sound like you just got promoted or something. Just to give you some heads up, there's really nothing interesting about me. "I say as we are served our drinks.

He looks at me for a few seconds, analyzing me and i can't help but get kind of uneasy.

" Are you trying to get out of telling me more about yourself ?

Hell yeah I am!

" Of course am not! but I'd rather you tell me about yourself first. So who is George? " I ask ,placing my hands on the table and holding my chin.

It's no secret that he knows what am doing here and am relieved when he doesn't insist and I sigh in relief.

" Well.. George is no other than the person you are looking at right now. Am 24 yrs old and I was born and raised here by a single mom. My dead beat dad left us when I was only two years old and got married again.I didn't have a lot growing up and I had to work so hard for everything I have now. My mum has always been my pillar of strength and I know I couldn't have made it this far without her. I love her alot, " he says with a smile, his eyes looking lost and I just sit there quietly waiting for him to continue. " I also love being here with you right now, I still can't believe it actually. "

" Okay, you have to stop doing that. "

"Doing what?"

" Talking about me as if am some kind of celebrity. "

" You are actually more than that vee, I feel as if am in the presence of a goddess, i mean have you seen yourself? "he say gazing at me as if i was the monalisa.

" Well, you friend doesn't seem to think so."

" You know what they say ,beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder but what I think is that he is just to angry at life right now to see it. He is really not that bad if you get to know him, " he says and before I can protest, i spot Alex walking in the club with Lisa.

Speaking of the devil! As if I haven't seen enough of him already today.

Why is he everywhere? And what in the world is Lisa doing with him?!

Urg! This girl never learns!

" Are you okay? " George asks,noticing my mood change.

" Am fine, but I beg to disagree with you about your friend. I just don't like him ," I say and he gives me a cute little smile. " but anyway, what do you do for a living? "

" Well am a lawyer and i actually own......, "

" Well, well, well,.. ..Alex suddenly cuts George off. " Look what the cat dragged in. Am sorry to interrupt but can I join you? "he asks and I just roll my eyes taking a sip of my drink.

Alex pulls a chair from a nearby table and joins us a wide grin on his face.
" I hope you don't mind. "

" Of course we don't, " i say faking a huge smile. " Make yourself comfortable."

" Why, thank you me lady," Alex says and I roll my eyes for the umpteenth time today. George is just sitted there silently watching us.

" I have to go now George, I don't want to stay out to late, " I say getting up.

" Wait, I can take you home if you want," George says his face hopeful.

" Thank you but I'll be fine. "

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