chapter 10

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It's been a long day after what happened with that jerk Alex and right now am in the living room watching TV. I slept almost all day and am kinda relaxed now. I fell asleep trying to recall what I did to Alex to deserve all his insults but couldn't come up with anything.

I really wonder why he insists on hurting me every chance he gets but anyways ,we can't win them all and it's not like I care about what he thinks about me.

Mike stayed for a while after he walked me home. I scolded him about that girlfriend shit he started this morning and he promised not to do it again.

It really felt nice having someone to defend me today but I still didn't want him getting involved with my problems. After my parents died I never relied on anyone for protection and I wanted it to remain that way. If there's one thing I learned is that people can not be trusted and am not taking any chances.

Am still not sure about Mike and am not letting my guard down yet.

When am still deep in thought, something on TV, grabs my attention and my jaw nearly drops a I turned the volume up .

"The owner of the once famous sky music recording studio has reached out to us for help to find his nieces.He told us that they disappeared about five years ago and has done everything to find them with no avail and that's the reason he neglected the studio, leading to it's failiar.Their pictures will show on the screen in a few seconds and if you happen to find them please call us"the reporter says.

I watch in horror as our pictures appear on the TV, the only thing keeping me sane right now is that the pictures are from six years ago and we don't look quite the same now.

"Fuck? "i curse standing up .My entire body is trembling with fury as i pace back and forth in the room.

That bastard has some nerves! why the hell is he looking for us?

No, no, no, this can't be happening again!

What do I do now?

Do I leave this place?

But he still doesn't know where I am and I'll have to make sure it stays that way. If he tries anything this time am surely going to kill him. I'll be damned if I let him hurt my sister or me  all over again.

" vee, " Maya calls placing her hand on my shoulder and my heart nearly drops.

" What the hell Maya! Are you trying to kill me with a heart attack?" I say my hand on my chest.

" Am sorry,i didn't mean to startle you," she says concern clear on her face. " Are you okay? "

I take in a deep breath and sit back down and Maya follows suit.

" I think we need to leave the city. "

Maya looks at me as if i have just spoken a foreigner language, her eyes popping out. I really hate doing this to her but what choice do I have. It's all for her protection.

" What? Why?!

Am quite for a second not sure whether I should tell her or not .

" I know what you are thinking, so don't you dare lie to me vee. We've already started a new life here and also made friends ,am almost graduating from high school. Why do we have to leave now? "

" Peter is looking for us. "

" What?! " She asked in utter shock.

" I saw it on TV Maya. He claims that we got lost five years ago and wants helps from the media to find us. He even paraded our photos on TV! Can you imagine that lunatic has the guts to do that?" I say a lump forming in my throat.

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