Chapter 58

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" Vee, " Rita calls walking out of the kitchen.

She looks nervous as hell!

" Yes, " I say walking over to her.

" I need to talk to you in my room, right now!" she says grabbing my hand.

" Is everything okay? " One of the officers asks noticing her tension.

" Yes, everything is fine " Rita answers and leads me to the stairs.

" What's wrong ," I ask the second we enter her room. " You look so nervous and scared . "

" I don't know if am doing the right thing by telling you this and not the police but, I don't know what else to do, " she says almost in tears.

" Rita, please tell me what's going on! "

" Your uncle called, " she says making me tremble in fear.

He called?!

I knew this moment was coming but why does it have to be now when Maya is in trouble?!

How am I going to handle all this fucking stress all at once?!

" What are you saying Rita?  Why would he call you?! "

" Because he knows your phone is tapped by the police and his call will be traced ! "

" How does he know that and how did he even get your number?! " I ask sitting on the bed. There's this crazy ache forming in my head and am feeling dizzy ,again!

" Anyway, what did he want?! "

" He's got Maya Vee, " she says and I freeze.

He's got Maya!

I thought Mike has Maya?!

" What?! How?  Didn't Mike kidnap Maya?! " I ask getting up.

" They are working together!" Rita says walking towards me. "Your uncle wants to talk to you , he told me if I called the police he was going to kill Maya, and by his tone, he wasn't bluffing! "

" Why is this all happening to me? " I ask falling down to the floor as hot tears run down my face and Rita kneels beside me her hands on my shoulder.

I feel so dead right now! I feel like someone is tearing me apart from the inside!

My uncle is a monster and i don't even want to imagine what he's doing to my sister!

My situation has gone from bad to worse now!

" How can I contact him?"

" He said he'd call! Don't you think we should tell the police about this?!

" No.. " I say shaking my head."That guy is a psycho!And am not taking any chances with my sister. "

A Second later Rita's phone rings and I quickly stand and rush to answer it, my hands shacky.

"Give me back my sister you piece of shit!  If you dare harm even a hair on her head am going to kill you, if it's the last thing i do! " I say the second I answer.

" Oh wow!  Fierce aren't we?  I love it! ' he says with a laugh."I don't think that's a nice way to greet your Uncle after so long, but its okay, I really missed you sweet voice, " he says making my blood boil.

" What the hell do you want?  You already destroyed our lives and stole everything we had!  Why can't you just leave us alone! "

" Actually.. I never stole anything from you,Everything is still under your name."

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