chapter 5

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A soon as the clock hit Seven I am already done and on my way home.I can't wait to be in bed, am so damn tired.

" Ow, " I say as I bump into something hard almost knocking me to the ground.

" Watch where you are going you silly girl, " a voice says and when I look up to see, I can't believe my eyes.

It's Alex.

He looks as hot as I remember and damn! those eyes.

" Am sorry, " I say as I try to walk away when I feel a firm hand on my wrist pulling me back.

" What are you doing here? So apart from been a slut and a stripper, you are also a stalker . Wow, nice choices of careers! " He says shaking his head as he let's go of my hand.

" Am not a stalker okay. Now if you'll excuse me I have things to do." I try to walk around him but he stops me.

"If you think you are going to trap my friend you are dead wrong. I will never let you. "

" What is your problem? I haven't done anything to you so why are you treating me like this?"

" Because I know your type. You always play hard to get but deep down you are just waiting for the right moment to mess with us and rob us of everything. "

" I am not interested in you friend okay?and I don't have time for this. You just ruined my morning you asshole! now move and find someone else to pester will you? " I say really pissed off.

" Stay away from my friend Okay? " he says glaring at me.

" What if I dont."

"Don't mess with me little girl,you don't know what am capable of!" he says giving me a murderers look.

"Are you threatening me? Okay, Look here you silly guy, " I say getting closer to him."Am not scared of you and please stay the fuck away from me!" I say walking past him and leaving the building.

What is wrong with this guy? What did I ever do to him .Am so damn exhausted and of all the people I had to bump into, it had to be him. I never let anyone walk all over me and i didn't intend to, even if he was the sexiest guy I have ever met.

When I get home ,I find Maya in the sitting room watching a movie with a girl I haven't met before.

" Hi guys, " I say as i walk over and join them on the sofa.

" Hi Vee, meet my new friend Rita. She saved me when i was being mugged yesterday, " Maya says.

" What ! are you okay? "

" Yes am good , All thanks to her. Can she stay with us for a while? She has nowhere to go, " Maya asks.

" What do you mean nowhere to stay? Where is your family? " I ask
eyes travelling from Maya to her.

" Am an orphan and have no family left. I've being in the streets for almost a month now. It's okay if you don't want me to stay here, I'll understand, I mean you barely know me. "

"Yes it's true that I barely know you but I was also in your position and I understand you. Anyway, I owe you one for helping my sister out. You can stay for as long as you want, " I say smiling lightly.

" Really?! Thank you so much. I promise i'll find you a job and help you out with the expenses, " She says smiling from ear to ear.

" That would be nice but don't be in a hurry yet, settle down first."

" Thank you sis you are the best, " Maya says giving me a smile. " And by the way are you okay? I can tell something is bothering you ."

" Am okay am just exhausted, " I say letting out a yawn.

" Come on just tell me, am sure there's something else and you know i'll keep pestering you until you do. "

" Okay," I say rolling my eyes. " I bumped into this rude guy who spoilt my mood. The guy looks like a delicious snack but his attitude is definitely rotten! I don't know why he is so rude to me when I've done nothing to him. It just really bothers me and i can't seem to get it out of my head. "

" The way you talk about not sure whether you hate him or not, " she says lifting her eyebrows with a silly smile. " You know they say if you can't get someone out of your head, maybe they are supposed to stay there."

" What are you talking about? I swear sometimes you are crazy!" I say standing. " Am going to bed, see you guys later. "

"Okay but think about it vee, Maybe he is only rude to you because he likes you and doesn't know how to express it," Maya says.

" Go back to whatever you were doing and stop acting like you know it all. If Alex likes me then am a monkey in a suit!"

"Wow, so you already know his name. How sweet, " Maya says winking at me.

" Okay, I can't with you!" I say raising my hands up in surrender as i walk to the bedroom.

After brushing my teeth and taking a long hot shower, I go to bed and fall asleep almost instantly.

I wake up as soon as the alarm rings and my stomach growls reminding me that I haven't eaten anything the whole day. It's almost five and so I only have an hour to get ready for work.


" Hi nick, " I greet him as soon as i step in the club and walk to my locker.

"Hi vee," he says heading to the counter.

" Aren't you going to say hi to me, " Mike says from behind me.

" Oh, hi Mike, I dint see you there. "

" Of course you didn't anyway , its always a pleasure to see you my sweet vee ."

" Yeah whatever," I say as I walk past him.

" Hey girl ready to start the night, " Lisa says.

" Why are you in such a good mood? Did you win a lottery or something. "

" It is better than that vee. Remember that guy from yesterday? he was a beast in bed. I swear i can still feel him inside me .He has the best....

"Hey, Spare me the details,"i cut in. "I really don't want to know any of that."

" Okay, your loss, " She says as she walks away.

A few minutes later as am busy working, I here a ruckus from behind me and when I turn to look Lisa is busy in a catfight. The bouncers are quick to drift them apart but these two are breathing fire ready to jump on each other again.

" Stay away from Alex you slut, " the other woman shouts trying to free herself from the bouncers hold.

"Who the fuck is alex? If you don't get your pretty face out of here, I'll make sure you leave here without one you spoilt brat ."

So this is all about Alex . He actually has a girlfriend and is busy sleeping around ,and he calls me a slut!

Its funny though how Lisa spent the night with him but doesn't even know his name.

" Please ,just leave, " Nick says to the woman standing between them and gesturing the bouncers to walk her out.

"I can walk myself out and don't think for a second that this is over" she says throwing daggers at lisa as she leaves.

" Lisa, My office now! " Nick says in a commanding and very angry voice. I had never seen him this angry.

I watch as Lisa follows him from behind and hope that she won't land in trouble because of the so called Alex.

Pliz dont forget to like and comment: hope you are enjoying so far.😘

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