chapter 54

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Four weeks later

" Are you okay , " Vee asks her hand on my lap. Am so nervous and am busy tapping my foot on the floor.

" Yes, I want this to be over and done with," I say with a sigh.

" You don't have to be nervous, whatever the outcome, we'll deal with it together."

" Thank you for being so sweet and understanding. I must have done something really good in my life to deserve you, " I say smiling at her and she smiles back.

It's friday, five in the evening and we are at the hospital waiting for the DNA results and yes, you guessed right.

Lisa is really pregnant! And she's seated on our opposite side ,watching us quietly.

We had to wait for three weeks to get the test done for the safety of the baby and and Lisa's too and today is the day we get the results.

We have already moved to the new house with Maya and she's doing quite well now. We even got her a tutor to help her catch up with what she missed in school so she'll be able to graduate the next coming month.

The doctor asked for us not to give her any bad news ,so she doesn't know anything about her uncles return or her sister almost been raped again by Mike yet.

Everything else has been okay so far, expect for Lisa and the pregnancy.

" Alex..." Doctor Tom my mums doctor calls ,walking my way. " Here are the results, " he says handing it to me.

" Thanks, " I say and he nods walking away.

Vee and Lisa are anxiously waiting for me to open the envelope, and am really nervous. Am hoping against hopes that the results turn out negative.

My heart is drumming in my ear right now as I slowly read the result.

" Its positive ," I say as soon as i see the results, my voice low, turning to look at Vee. She's tense but doesn't look shocked or dissapointed.

I hate what am doing to her. I know she might be acting tough and okay but am sure apart of her is breaking right now.

I hate this! Why does shit always happen to me?!

" I told you I wasn't lying, " Lisa says a smile tugging at her lips.

" Okay.. We're done with what brought us here, it's time to go " I say taking Vees hand.

" But.. What about me and the baby? " That's Lisa.

" We already had this discussion Lisa! I'll be there and provide for the baby as soon as its born and I'll get you some one to take care of you and the baby "

" But what if I get sick and need you? I don't even know where you live! I think the best thing to do is to let me stay with you guys," Lisa says and i can't help but chuckle shaking my head.

" You think I'd let you stay with us? Are you nuts?!" I ask glaring at her.

" Come on Alex! You and Vee will take good care of me and they'll be no need of wasting money by hiring someone to take care of me once I have the baby . "

What's wrong with this girl? Does she really think that I'd let her stay with us. I know that this is one of her plans to come in between my relationship with Vee, but I will never give her the pleasure!

" Don't worry about me Lisa, I have more money than you can imagine ," I say walking past her with vee behind me.

We get to the car, and I don't like the way Vees been quite, since we got the results.

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