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It's Paul, the traitor!

He's the one person I trusted enough
and told about my uncles abuse but he betrayed me and ratted me out.

Maya almost got raped because of him!

What the hell is he doing here?!

"Vee.. is that you? "He asks looking kind of confused. "Your uncle has been searching everywhere for you and Maya. "

Doesn't he recognize me or is it one of-his tricks?! But, I have changed in the past few years .

"Uumh.....", I try to say but nothing comes out. Am still trembling from the inside and I hope he can't see it.

shit! I have to stop acting so damn nervous !

"I am not Vee, " I say trying to sound as normal as i could and I swear it's taking everything in me. " You must have me confused with someone. "

" Are you sure? You look just like her. "

" Am sure, excuse me, " I say walking out.

Once am out of his sight, I stop and let out a huge sigh, my heart drumming in my ears. I am still too shocked to move.

Am sure he's here looking for us and knows that Maya is in there. I have to get her out now before they do anything to her,but how?

" Nick ! he's surely going to help me! I think out loud my eyes roaming around, in search of a cab. I stop one as soon as i see it and hop in.

Thirty minutes later, am outside Nicks apartment knocking on his door like a mad person.

" Vee! " What's wrong," he asks the second he opens the door.

" I need your help, "I say walking in. " Please help me get my sister out of the hospital ,please!"

" Vee..?" someone calls from behind and I turn to see Alex. " Are you okay?"

" Am fine. Am sorry Nick, I didn't mean to interrupt , " I say my voice low.

" What's got you all worked up, " Alex says concerned. " Is Maya in any kind of trouble?"

I look at him contemplating on whether to tell him and I decide not to. I mean, I know he's helping me out a lot but I still don't trust him, especially now when he's acting so indifferent with me for no reason.

" She's okay... I just need to talk to Nick alone, please, " I say and I see something like pain flicker in his eyes.

Oh now he's acting hurt? Doesn't he know how much his coldness is killing me?

" Okay.. But, if it's about Mike been out of prison, you should know I already know about it," Alex says and my Jaw almost drops.

Mike is out?! How did that happen?

Fuck! That pervert might decide to hurt my sister to!

" Why do you look so surprised. didn't you know? I thought that's the reason you want Maya out of the hospital. "

" Uumh..of course ...I knew about it. What I didn't know is that.. you guys knew to. Am afraid Mike might use her to get to me, " I say partly lieing but you can't blame me. This is the best way to get my sister out of the hospital, without anyone finding out about my past.

I had all the intentions of telling Nick the entire truth about my past, excluding the rape, but now I don't have to.

"But how did he manage to get out? I ask.

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