chapter 36

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Am in my car heading to the office and i still can't believe George. I don't think he realizes it but the relationship he has with Merghan is so unhealthy! He might just see it as just fun but am sure she's fallen hard for him.

It's kind of my relationships with Lisa and thank goodness, that she is now in my past.

I think that Merghan over head everything were talking about , because when I got out of the bedroom, i found her standing close to the door acting all mysterious.

Am sure this is not going to end well!

" Good morning sir." That's my secretary Camilla.

" Morning, I need you to help me catch up with everything I've missed for the past two days. "

" Yes sir, and there someone waiting for you in your office? "

"Who? "

" A certain woman who claims to be the mother of your child ."

" What? "

The mother of my child? What the fuck?

I walk in the office just to find Ivy, sitted comfortably in my chair .

I should have seen this coming .This girl is totally nuts!

" Hi, Alex. Morning." She stands and walks towards me.

" What the heck are you doing here ?"

" I came to see you."

" I told that I would call when I need you ivy! And why are you telling everyone that your the mother of my child? You know this a secret thats supposed to stay between you ,George and I."

" Am sorry okay. Your secretary didn't want to let me in and that's why I told her that. "

" Well, don't ever do that again!

" I wont... I swear, " she says sincerely. " I was just tired of waiting for you to call and so i decided to come and ask you when we are, supposed to start. "

" We are not starting anything anymore! I've decided to tell my mum the truth once and for all."

"But... When did you decide that?!

" Actually, just now. I can't deal with all this a drama right now! "

" But isn't this going to affect her condition . "

" I know, but countinously lying to her will make it worse. Don't worry am still going to pay you your full amount, " I tell her as i walk over and take a seat.

" No," she says and that really surprises me.

" No?! "

" Yes no. I always love working for my money Alex," she says sitting on my opposite side. " I only agreed to this because I love been near you but I'd never take advantage of you. I see you as I respectable guy and you've never tried to take advantage of me, even after I practically threw myself at you. "

Well, that's new!

I wish Stacy was more like her.

" Okay...i guess you are not as crazy as I thought you were."

" Oh am crazy all right, no doubt about that!" she says and I can't help but smile. " Okay, I'll let you work now. See you when you see me and don't hesitate to call me if you ever change your mind," She says with a wink and walks out.

Well, atleast that's done and over with.

I decide to call Ava and few minutes later, and find out how she and vee is doing.

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