chapter 50

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We get to the hospital in about an hour and we rush straight to Maya's room. My heart is beating faster than usual as i walk in her room. I still can't believe that she's finally awake! It feels like a dream.

Maya is asleep when we walk in and Rita is seated on the bed next to her, holding her hand. Rita smiles at us when she see's us, and lets go of Mayas hand and gets up, gesturing for me to take her place. I walk over my eyes on Maya and kiss her forehead and watch as she slowly opens her eyes.

" Vee, " she says softly a smile on her face. She still looks weak and pale but I know she'll get better with time. All that matters now is that she's finally awake!

" Hi baby sister, " I say tears falling down my cheeks. " I missed you. "

" I missed you more vee, " She says crying as i lean over to her, and give her a hug.

" I was so scared I'd loose you. "

" That will never happen, " she says as i pull back,wiping away her tears. " I'll never leave you alone. "

She turns her head and looks at Alex who smiles at her, before she looks back at me.

" Vee.." She calls.

" Yes."

" Are you sure that am still alive or is this all a dream? " she asks, getting me confused.

" What ? Of course you are alive, why would you ask that? "

" Because I think I just saw an angel!" she says all smiles, her eyes moving back to Alex and we all laugh for a couple of seconds.

" I can see my crazy sister is back for sure!" I say shaking my head.

" Yeah....and I've fallen in love with her already, " Alex says walking closer.

" That makes two of us and if you are not taken, am so ready to mingle, " Maya says grinning at him.

" Am sorry sis but Alex is taken, " I say intertwining our fingers ,earning a crazy look from Rita.

"What? Did i miss something here? " Rita says clearly shocked. " This seems to good to be true! Please tell me its real and am not dreaming?"

" You are not, Vee is my girlfriend now, " Alex says kissing my hair as I lean and lay my head on his shoulder.

" Awww....,"the girls both say simultaneously, smiling at each other.

" This is by far the best day of my life! " Rita says. " We are now going to be one big happy family, Finally!"

" Wait.. Am still kind of confused. Is this the same Alex that you used to tell me about? " Maya asks.

" Yes, he's the same one, " I say.

" Wow! Alot has surely changed. How long have I being uncouncious? "

" A month! " I say with a sigh. "Am so happy you're back ," I say sitting beside her.

"I am too. I would never have wanted to miss this! You having a boyfriend is something I never thought would ever happen. It's a miracle! " she says her eyes wide open." Welcome to the family Alex ,"

" Thanks Maya....Its nice to finally meet you. "

" Me too, I've had a lot of things about you. "

" Hopefully good things, right? "

" Nope.. Nothing good!" Maya says shaking her head as Alex chuckles warmly. "How did you get her to fall for you? I mean, this sister of mine is a hard nut to crack."

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