chapter 63

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" You look beautiful, as always " Alex says with a smile as I take the rose from him.

He is in a black tuxedo and looks like a prince! His gorgeous eyes are shining bright as he smiles down at me waiting for me to say something.

Maya, Rita and Nick are standing beside me and they are all watching my reaction,and so is everyone else at the party.

Am still speechless and I don't know what to say or how to react. I feel like the luckiest girl alive right now, because I have this lovely people in my life, who'd go out of their way just to make me happy!

Now I get why Maya wanted me to dress up!

"I don't know what to say, " I say tears falling down my cheeks.

" Hey...dont cry" Alex says in a low soothing voice, wiping my tears." This is supposed to be a happy occasion. "

" Believe me when I say that, this are tears of joy. This is all so beautiful! How... did you manage to do all this ?! I mean,i myself didn't even remember that today was my birthday! "I say looking around, my eyes wowed by the decorations.

There are red roses everywhere and the lighting is out of this world!

A huge rectangular table is in the middle of the yard and it's filled with all kinds of food and drinks.

" Maya told us about your birthday and we decided to throw you a surprise party, do you like it? " Alex asks.

" I love it! Thanks you guys."

"Anything for you siz," Maya says embracing me.

" Happy birthday Vee, " Alicia and her husband both say simultaneously, walking towards me. There are two men behind them that I don't recognize,and I think I see Max too.

What's he doing here?

Why would Alex invite him when they have bad blood between them?

I look behind Max and there are four more guests ,Wait.. Is that Cherry and Angela?!

I can't believe Alex invited them, he's so thoughtful!

" Thank you," I say smiling lightly. " I really appreciate everything you have done. "

" Don't thank us, it's all Alex's doing. My son is a hopeless romantic when he's in love, you are lucky to have him, " Alex's Dad says.

" No Dad, am the lucky one here, " Alex says, his hands encircling my waist.

" Alex is right joe, just look at how gorgeous his girlfriend'd be crazy to let her go, "One of the men says.

"That will never happen Mr Smith, " Alex says."Anyways ,Vee.. This is Mr Smith and Mr Roberts. They are Dad friends and business partners."

" It's nice to meet you, " I say greeting them.

" Nice to meet you too and happy birthday, " Mr Robert says.

" Hey girlfriend !cherry says excitedly waving at me, and i excuse myself walking over to her. " You really hit the jackpot! " She says as i give both her and Angie a hug. 

" I know.. Am with the best man ever! " I say my eyes on Alex, who's busy chatting with Nick. " Am so glad that you guys are here ,I really missed you. "

"I missed you too .. Alex invited us and there's no way I'd say no to this. I brought my little man over, and my sister too,"Angie says as her sister walks over to us and says hi. She's carrying the little boy and I carefully take him from her,and he obliges.

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