chapter 35

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"Are you okay ma'am ," the guy that saved me asks helping me up and I nod trying to catch my breath.

I still can't speak, my mind is trying to register what just happened.

I almost got run over!

What could have become of Maya if anything happened to me?!

" Vee..., " Rita is yelling running towards me. " Oh God, are you okay? " She asks her eyes scanning my body, checking for any injuries.

" I don't know, " I whisper still shocked by what just happened.

There's a mass of people standing around asking if am okay and the guy that saved me dismisses them assuring them  that everything is fine.

The guy is dressed in black and has a  very commanding voice.

He looks like a cop.

" It's was that crazy bitch Merghan.She tried to kill you! " Ava says.

" What? How do you know that? "

" Because I know her car ?"

" But why would she do that? " I ask before i spot Merghan rushing quickly towards us.

Speaking of the devil!

" Hey are you okay? " she asks trying to act concerned but she ain't fooling anyone. " I swear i didn't mean to. My car suddenly lost control and I did my best not to hit you but... Am glad that you are okay. "

" What do you take us for, Idiots?!" Rita ask furiously. " We all know what you tried to do. "

" Are you trying to say that I tried to kill vee? " she asks her mouth wide raising in surprise.

" Damn right, that's what am saying! I don't know what you have against her  but if you ever try this again, I'll make sure to kill you myself! " Rita says walking over to her her eyes red with rage.

" Rita, it's okay. She said she didn't mean to, " I say trying to calm her down.

" But she tried to kill you vee! "

" I know but nothing happened, right?  Let's just go, " I say pulling her towards the car.

I turn to see Merghan still staring at us , and I can see a bit of anger in her eyes.

Did she really try to kill me or was it just an accident?!

Fuck! I get it now!

She thinks am trying to steal George away from her and that's why she's trying to get me out of the way. She's just like her crazy friend Stacy. They both would do anything to get what they want!

" Guess what vee, I think to myself. You've just made yourself a new enemy!"

I get inside the back seat and Rita joins me.

" Who's going to drive the car? " I ask confused. "

" Leo is, " she says pointing at the guy who just saved me and i look back at her more confused. " He's one of the bodyguard Alex hired for us. Am so glad Alex thought of that because I don't want to think of what would have happened to you if Leo wasn't around. "

" Wow!  You brother sure does love you, " I say as Leo pulls out of the parking lot.

" Yes, " she says smiling lightly. "He kind of blames himself for what happened to me and said that, this time he's not taking any chances. "

" He definitely shouldn't, " I say sighing.

" Are you sure you are fine. "

" I am."

" You have to be more careful. Am more than sure what happened was no accident. "

" I think so too, but don't worry.  You know am a die hard. "

" You really are, " she says smiling.

In a few minutes we get to the hospital.

" I'll be right here? " Rita says as she watches me enter Mayas room.

The second I see her, tears starts falling down my cheeks. She looks so lifeless lying on the hospital bed,  attached to a ventilator.

" Hey, " I say sitting next to her as i take her hand. " I really miss you. "

I touch her hair and stroke her cheeks  softly.

"Oh my sleeping child, the world so wild but you've built your own, paradise, that's one reason why, I'll cover you sleeping child🎶  I sing to her softly.

She loved that song when she was little and it always got her to sleep, especially when my mum sang it to her. It was hers and mums favorite.

" Do you remember that song Maya?" I ask knowing pretty well that she can't answer. "It was your favorite. I remember you coming in my room a few days after our parents died and asked me to sing it for you. You were so broken that you fell asleep with tears in your eyes," I say tears still streaming down my face.

" Please Maya,come back to me. I promise if you, I'll do everything you ever wanted me to do. I'll even face Peter and take back everything he stole from us. Come back to me  please!" I say kissing her forehead.

I stay in her room for almost an hour before the doctor comes and asks me to leave.

" How's she doing, " I ask before i leave.

" She hasn't shown any improvement  but you shouldn't loose hope yet. I have a feeling she'll get through this, " the doctor says giving me a smile.

" I know she will," I say looking at her. " Can't i stay a little longer with her?"

" Am sorry but you can't. You'll only be allowed to see her again tomorrow. "

" Okay."

I walk out and find Rita and Nick waiting for me. They are comfortable around and each other and seem to be talking about something serious.

I wonder what will happen when they find out they are siblings.

The reason I haven't said anything to either of them is because i know its not my place to do that. But I really hope they find out soon.

" Hi vee," Nicks says as I walk over to him and hug him.

" Hi," I say pulling back.

" Am sorry about what happened with Mike. I Swear if I'd known he was such a pervert, I wouldn't have let him anywhere near you. "

" It's not you fault Nick. Neither of us saw that coming. "

" What do you say we have an early lunch, " Nick says looking from me to Rita. " My treat. "

" I can never say no to free food. " That's Rita.

" You guys go ahead. Am not hungry," I say and they both just shake their heads.

" I had a feeling you were going to say that and just so you know, am not taking no for an answer," Nick says taking my hand. I can't help but roll my eyes walking next to him.

It's not like I have a choice, anyway!

He takes us to this gorgeous restaurant and the food here is crazy expensive. I can assure you a meal here costs my entire pay check!

" Did you have to bring us here? I can't even read some of words on the Menu!" I say my eyes wide open but they just laugh.

" Has anyone ever told you that you are funny as hell. You'd surely make a great comedian, " Nick say through his laugh.

" Yeah..right!" I say rolling my eyes.

Someone clears their throat next to us and I lift my head up just to find, Chloe and Lisa glaring down at me.


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