chapter 30

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Am so tense and scared as to what the doctor is going to say. Am praying silently on the way to the doctor office and my stomach suddenly feels cold. My heart beat increases with every step I take and am glad that Rita is by my side, other wise, am not sure I'll be able to even walk right now.

" Vee, " Mike calls out walking towards us with Nick following from behind .

" How's Maya?" Nick asks.

" We are actually on our way to the doctors office to find out. He just called for us. "

" Okay, let's go. But wait, what is this guy doing here?Is he bothering you vee? " Mike aks pointing to Alex, rage building up on his face.

Why the hell is he so possesive?!

" Now is not the time for this, " Alex tells him with a bored expression and for the first time, I agree with him.

" Yes Mike, please don't do this here, " Nick adds as we continue our journey to the doctors office.

" Come on in, "the doctor says after we knock softly and we enter taking our seats.

" How's my sister, " I ask my voice shaky while Rita, who seated next to me, holds my trembling hands.

" Am sorry to say this, but she hasn't shown any sign of improvement yet and we are not sure when or if she'll wake up from the coma, " he says and my heart drops to my stomach.

Tears are now running down my face and am unable to speak.

I feel..... Wait, I actually don't fell anything! My whole body is numb and am not even sure if am still alive.

"Isn't there anything we can do, " Rita asks and I can tell she's crying by her tone.

" We've done everything that we can and now only a miracle can save her.We are going to keep observing her and she can't have any visitors for the time being. "

" But , I need to see her, " I finally find my voice. "Maybe if I talk to her and she knows am here for her, she'll fight to survive. She's always been a fighter and I won't let her give up, ever, " I say standing up.

" Am sorry but we can't permit any visitors today , but you can surely visit her first thing tomorrow ,believe me, it's for her own good, " the doctor says and I slowly sit back down, wishing that this is all a fucking night mare!

She has to live! What am I supposed to do without her?!

"Hey ," Nick says squatting next to me. " She's going to be fine. "

"I really hope so Nick.. I can't lose her. How on earth am I supposed to live without her! " I say breaking down. Nick moves closer, hugging me tightly against him, rubbing my back. I cry my eyes out letting go of all the pain that I feel inside.

I haven't cried like this since my parents died but I can't control myself anymore. I've always tried to be strong but this is way to much for me to handle. Am so exhausted from trying to be strong and I feel so torn apart and broken right now.

Haven't I lost enough already ? I feel like I don't know what's going on anymore!

Am watching my whole world fall apart and all I can do is stare blankly.

"Let's get going, you need to rest, " Nick says carefully lifting me up from my seat and we walk out of the doctors office, with everyone following from behind.

" Alex, would you please take Vee home? " Rita asks.

"Am not going anywhere, I can't leave Maya alone , " I say my voice still shaky.

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