chapter 57

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Alex drove like a maniac and luckily they was no traffic. We get to Mikes apartment in about twenty minutes , accompanied by the police.

The police waste no time and kick the door open searching the whole house but there's no sign of Mike or Maya.

" Maybe Maya managed to get away from him, right? She could be on her way home right now" I say hopefull ,praying for it to be true.

" We can't be sure of that yet Vee, " Alex says.

" We found this outside the house , " one of the cops says holding Mayas phone in his hands and I feel a cold wave pass through me.

" It's my sisters phone, she had it when I last talked to her, " I say walking to him.

Apart of me was still in denial, hoping that Maybe Maya's phone's battery was low or the network was bad, and that's why we were cut off but this is proof enough that Mikes got her!

I hope Mike doesn't hurt her! My sister has barely recovered yet!

" And how long was that? "

" About.. Twenty minutes ago. "

" He maybe anywhere in the city right now but the good news is that, if he's trying to use her to get to you, he'll surely call you and we can use that to get to him. We just have to tap your phone, so we can track him down the moment he calls. "

" So.. What you are saying is that you are just going to sit around and do nothing, until he calls? What if he doesn't?! " I ask almost yelling ,tears flowing from my eyes. "Don't you understand that every single second that passes by is critical for my sister! Who's knows what that Jerk is doing to her! "

" Vee, please calm down," Alex says pulling me against him. " I promise we'll do everything we can to find her. "

" You don't understand Alex, Mike isn't that stupid! Am sure he knows he'll be caught the second he calls me. "

" I know you are right but there's still a possibility he might call, " Alex says wiping away my tears.

" So, what else are you guys going to do? " i ask the cop.

" We already have men out there looking into every place that Mike could have gone to. Am sorry but that's all we can do right now, " the cop says looking apologetic and then walks away.

" It's all my fault, " I say sobbing on Alex's chest ." I should have told her about Mike and prevented all this from happening. I'll never be able to live with my self if anything happens to her. "

" Hey..its not your fault ,okay, " Alex says his hands running through my hair." The doctor asked us not to give her any bad news. You hid everything from her for her own Good ."

" Hey.. Any news? Did you find her? " Nicks asks walking towards us. Alex called him on our way here and told him everything.

" The police found her phone but we still have no idea where she is, " Rita answers her voice breaking.

" We'll find her " Nick says giving Rita a tight hug.

"Hi Alex." One of the cops says walking to us.

" Max! What are you doing here, "Alex asks and he doesn't look happy to see him.

" I'll be the one incharge of this case and I want you to know that we are doing everything we can to find your sister,but I also need your help and cooperation," he says looking at me.

" That won't be possible Max, I don't trust you! and there's no way I'll let you be  incharge here! "

" Come on Alex! It's been almost two years already! Can't we just put our past aside and work on this case together?! "

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