chapter 23

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It's Monday morning and am in the office finishing up with my cleaning. Angie still hasn't reported to work yet and I'll have to clean the office until she's back. It's really exhausting working more than usual but what makes this tolerable is the pay. As long as am working for two I'll be paid double, I mean who can say no to that!

I made sure to come in earlier than usual today so as not to run into the "she devil"  as they call her. I was hoping my week would start off good after the unpleasant weekend I just had, but that will not be possible after I woke up to pictures of Lisa and Alex in bed on my phone and a message claiming that Alex is and will always be hers.

I mean, what the hell is wrong with this chic?!

I still can't believe she had the audacity to send the pictures to me! She really believes that am in love with Alex and sending the picture would hurt me in some way, And am indeed hurt, but not in the way that you all think.

Am hurt because the only person I considered a close friend,  is trying to hurt me in every way she can. Why can't she see that she's only going to hurt herself more by been with Alex, who doesn't give a fuck about her?She already lost her Job because of him and now it's seems like she's also loosing her mind.

Lisa is trying to make me upset but am done with all her bullshit.Am not going to let anything she says or does affect me in any way, she can go to hell for all of care.

In about thirty minutes am home , already showered and relaxing on the couch. Am home alone since Maya is in school and Rita is working,she recently got a job and she's over the moon about it.

Some Seconds later there's a knock on the door and when i get it, Mike is standing there a huge smile on his face.

" Hi vee."

" Hey... What are you doing here this early? "

" I just missed you and thought I would come visit, hope you don't mind. "

" Of course I do, I don't like it when people show up at my house without informing me!"

" Am sorry....,I didn't think you'd be this upset ,but in my defence , I did call you but you weren't picking up ," He says walking in  and taking a seat.

" You called but I didn't..... Wait, I think i left my phone at the law firm, shit! Now I have to go back and see that she devil? " I say talking mostly to myself.

"What she devil?!

" No one , anyways if you'll please excuse me, I have to go and get my phone ," I say gesturing for him to leave.

" I can drive you,i came in my car."

" No, I don't want to be a bother. "

"Oh come on vee, you know you can never be a bother,so let's go?

" Okay then, " I agree but only because it will be more convenient.

We leave the house and in no time we are at the law firm. I go straight to cherry hoping that she'd do me the favour of getting me my phone and Mike follows from behind . I really don't want to run into Merghan, She's crazy enough to fire me just for forgetting my phone in the office!

" Hey vee, I thought you already left, " cherry asks as soon as she sees me.

" I did, but I forgot my phone in the office. Can you please get it for me? "

" I'd love to but, am way to busy. "

" Come on ,please? I really don't want to loss my job because of this. "

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