chapter 43

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Vee is still looking at me, clearly shocked and confused and am sure she's waiting for me to say something but am not sure what to say right now. I actually never thought that mum would ask for something Iike this,it really caught me off guard.

" Good! " That's Stacy. We'll both take her to a doctor friend of mine so they won't fake the results," she continues and I notice a small smile tug on George's lips.

Who's side is he on here?!

He seems like he's really enjoying the drama but not for long.

" Vee is not having any tests done," I say firmly holding her hands. She looks kind of pale and I hate myself for putting her through this. "

" Your mum already made her choice Alex. Am sorry but you have no say in this anymore. " That's Stacy.

" Your wrong Stacy! I do have a say in this, simply because it's about my girlfriend and unborn baby, " I say switching my gaze to mum. "Mum, how can you do this to Vee? She's already going through enough with the pregnancy and her sisters illness. Do you want her to loose the baby or something? "

" Why would you ask that? You know of I want that baby more than anything! "

" Then why are you doing this? You've just shown me how little trust you have in me. Instead you trust someone who cheated on me and deceived you, Unbelievable!"

" Why are you so scared ? Are you afraid the truth will come out? " Stacy asks with raised eyebrows, looking from me to Vee.

" Stop this already Stacy! We came here for my wife's birthday and you are ruining everything, " Joe's says.

" I wont stop, until the truth comes out. Can't you see how scared they are? This is evident enough that they are hiding something! I mean, even the blubber mouth Ava has nothing to say, " Stacy says and Rita gives her death glare, holding a fork.

" Am not scared Stacy. If I have to take the test to prove my loyalty to my future mother in law, then, I have no problem with that, " Vee says and I give her a what the hell look.

What is she doing?! Am trying to get us out of a hole but she's digging us deeper!

" You don't have to prove anything to me Violet. Am sorry that I even thought of that. I really don't know what got into me," Mum says apologetically and am shocked and relieved at the same time.

Wow! Whatever vee did definitely worked!

" What?! Mum you can't do this to me. You are always saying, you want to help and this is the only way. "

" Am sorry, but I won't add to vee's stress just to make you happy and enough is enough! Let's just have dinner like the happy family we are, " Mum says looking at Stacy who's burning up in anger.

"Happy Family?! Why don't we call your sister and her son, so she can add to the families happiness, Mum!" Stacy says with a grin and mum loose all colour on her face.

Fuck! What is she doing.

" Stop it Stacy, what do you think you are doing? " That's Dad.

" Nothing much Dad, just telling the truth. It's about time we stopped with all the lies, don't you think? "

" Look who's talking? " Ava says glaring at her." Aren't you supposed to be encouraging lies, you know, since you are the devils flesh and blood ? "

"Shut the fuck up! "

" No! you shut up Stacy, and I think it's about time you left my house, "I say getting up, ready to throw her out.

" No wait, I want to know what she's talking about, " Mum who's been awfully quiet, says.

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