chapter 24

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" Say.. We go out for lunch, " Mike asks. We are in his car and he's driving me home.

" Say... We don't," I tell him not looking his way. Am still thinking about everything that happened.I really wish I could unsee what I just saw because I can't seem to get the image out of my head.

Am still not over the shock to be honest.

The George I saw today was definitely not the one I thought I knew. Couldn't they get a room or maybe even lock the door?!

" Hey..Earth to vee, " Mike says .

" What? "

" What do you mean what?! You just zoned out and left me talking to myself! "

" Am sorry."

" I'll only accept your apology if you let me take you out for lunch, and please don't say No. What are you afraid of anyway, it's not like you are the one been served here! "

" I already said no, am too exhausted all I want to do is sleep and I definitely don't want you to start getting the wrong picture . If you want this friendship to work, you have to accept that we can never be anything more. "

" I only want to take you as friends, why are you always thinking the worst of me? " he asks frowning like a little child.

" Am sorry.. I just have this habit of not trusting anyone and am not planning on changing it ."

" Who hurt you?" he asks with a smile shaking his head." But seriously ,who did? I mean by looking at you and that pretty face you have, one would think you are the sweetest person ever,but when they get to know you,you are a savage. Not everyone is out to get you vee, you should stop acting all protective and open up."

" Let me give you a piece of advice Mike, you should stick to what you are good at, you know, been a flirt, and stop playing psychiatrist, it really doesn't suit you, "I say with a smirk .

Mike rolls his eyes and finally shuts the fuck up, concentrating on the road .He's crazy to think that I can ever share my problems with him or anyone else.

How am I supposed to open up old scars that I buried long ago? The scars that never let me sleep at night for so many days.Those scars that took away my childhood and totally destroyed my future.

They should remain buried six feet under, where they belong.

The rest of the journey is quite and it looks like Mike is angry at me. He keeps on glancing at me as if waiting for me to say something.

If he's expecting an apology from me he's going to be waiting for a very long time, there's no way am apologizing for been honest.

" Thank you for the ride, " I say as soon as he stops and get out of the car.

" I'll see you later ," he says waving at me.

" Yeah, sure. "

As soon as am inside the house, I go straight to my room .My plan is to sleep the remaining part of the day, and that is exactly what I do.

" What?! I can't believe it? That's my crazy sister Maya. She has a huge smile on her face and I swear her eyes are about to pop out. " Everything that happened is God's plan, can't you see that?! This is the best sign that you two are meant to be together. "

She just got home from school and am busy feeling her in on some of the things that happened today .I surely can't tell her everything for reasons we all know.

" You know,sometimes I wonder if we are even related! I just told you that the guy I rejected and kicked out of the house turned out to be my boss and you are celebrating?! Am really scared that he might fire me. "

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