chapter 22

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"What took you so long, " George asks as he welcomes me into his house  with ivy behind me.

Ivy is this gorgeous model whose been trying to hook up with me , but I haven't seen her in a while. she's very. stubborn and never takes no for an answer.

" A man is still a man whether he's married or not, there are all dogs and can never say no to any pussy, especially when it's free" Those are her words every time I said I was in love and in a very happy relationship.

I really don't get why she's here but one thing that's really wrecking my head is vee, and what she was doing
here at George's place.

Could she have come to see George? But why would she do that when she wants nothing to  do with any of us?!

I really liked how mad she got, when I pulled her out of the car. she looked pretty cute trying to control her anger, that I just couldn't stop myself from smiling.

" What's with the smile," Ivy asks bringing me back to reality.

She's seated next to me on the couch and George is standing on the opposite side, with two other girls that I hadn't noticed.

What's he up-to now?!

"Just recalled something funny," I tell her hoping that she'd just leave me alone.

" George, can I talk to you privately?" I ask and he nods leading me to his bedrom.

" Okay, what's happening here? "

" Am trying to find you a fake pregnant girl friend. "

" What?! " i ask still not sure what he was talking about.

" Okay, let me explain it to you like a six year old, I invited some girl's over for auditions.The'll show us their acting skills and we as judges will pick the best one," he says with so much excitement and I can tell he's really enjoying this.

" Have you already told them what they are auditioning for? "

" No, we'll only tell the truth to the winner ,since it's supposed to be a secret. "

" It's actually a crazy idea but i surely hope it works , " I say stroking my chin " And anyway am only  doing this for only a few days. "

" Yes and don't worry to much, everything will work out fine. "

" Sure," I say as we walk out if the bedroom. "

I have this great urge to ask him if vee was here but am not sure how he is going to react. He seems to be in a happy place right now and i just hope he's not putting on an act.

I can't help but blame myself, since I know that this is all my fault. George had finally found the girl of his dreams and i just had to go and ruin it for him.

I had actually never seen him as excited as he was last night at the club, waiting to see vee as if she was a celebrity . Believe it or not George has never been the kind of person who acts crazy over a girl but just the mention of vee's name gets him all nervous.

Too bad vee isn't interested in him !

The auditions are over in about two hours and we end up choosing Ivy, since she's the better actress.

We explain everything to her and she's more than happy to play the part.

" Don't worry Alex ,I'll be the best girlfriend ever, " she says her hand on my jaw.

" You are my fake girlfriend, don't forget that it's all for show ," I say just to remind her and am already thinking that all this was a bad idea.

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