chapter 27

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" How could you lie to me Rita?  I trusted you! " i tell her really dissapointed. " I considered you to be part of my family! "

" Am sorry vee, I didn't mean to."

" But you  still chose to!" I say in a low but angry tone.

" I have a very good explanation for this, believe me," she says almost in tears .

" Really now, more lies!" I ask trying my best not to lash out on her.

I really despise liars and I hate it when people try to make a fool of me. This is one of the reasons that I don't trust nobody!

" Am telling you the truth this time. I was in trouble and that's why I had to lie, to save my life. The guys that shot Maya were after me. "

" Wait, what?!

" It's true. Maya saved me by taking the bullet meant for me! " she says silent tears falling from her eyes ." You don't know how bad I wish it was me and not her, lying in there. Am sorry vee."

I don't know what to think about all this. All along I thought all this was my uncles doing but it turns out, it's not.

This means that his still has no clue where we are!

" Why would anyone want to kill you?!

" It's a long story. Please, just give me a chance to explain everything ," she says her eyes pleading .

She might have turned out to be a liar but I had learned to love her for the past few days and so I decide to hear her out.

" Okay, am all ears. "

" My mum died when I was five years old and my Dad took me in. I am a product of betrayal since my Dad cheated on his wife with my mum and that's how I was conceived," she says her voice breaking. "Living with my Dad was not easy simply because his wife despised me and he was never around to protect me from her insults. She did everything to make my life hell in her house and I never complained. I mean, I did deserve it since my mum ruined her happiness. "

She stops talking for a second and a small smile tugs on her lips  as if reminiscing about old memories.

" But there was one person that gave meaning to my life, and that's my big brother," she continues. "He was always there for me and even fought with his mum, whenever she mistreated  me. I really miss him. "

" Why didn't you ask him for help?" I ask. I want to know everything so I can try to understand her better.

" I didn't want to put his life in danger  and also didn't know how to tell him that his mum was behind all my problems. "

" What do you mean?"

" She sold me too  a brothel vee, " she says ,trying her best not to break down and I feel sorry for her. This world is full of monsters!

" She did that a few months after my brother left the house. The people she sold me too are very dangerous . They have so many young girls in there , who were forced into prostitution and I was very scared. Luckily for me, their bosses son, fell for me and never let anyone touch me. He treated me well and I decided to win his trust so I could find a way out of that hell hole and I did," she says and I don't dare interrupt.

For such a young girl, she really has been through a lot .

"I  no time,  I completely won his trust,  that he even took me out on dates. I decided to escape on one of those dates after excusing myself to the bathroom and managed to escape. I've been running and hiding from him for a month now and today, his men found  me. They asked me to go with them but I refused and that's when they got angry and shot at me, but Maya took my bullet, am really sorry " she says breaking  down.

" It's not your fault," I say giving her a hug. " Am sorry for all that you've been through. "

" So does this mean you forgive me?  "

" Of course I do. You only did what you had to do to survive, and I get that. "

" So how did you manage to escape from them?"

" After they shot Maya they tried to drag me out of the place but suddenly the  cops walked in. Am still not sure who called them or how they got there so fast, but thank God they did. " She says sighing softly. "They took me as a hostage and threatened to kill me if the cops didn't let them go. Maya was still bleeding out on and I knew I had to do something so I hit him on the crotch with my elbow, and he let go of me, howling in pain as i ran over to Maya. The police took that chance and shoot them. "

" Wow!  That was crazy and you were so brave. I mean the guy was pointing the gun at you buy you still fought back! "

" Yeah, I had to do it for Maya and also my brother had taught me some self defense. "

"This brother of yours seems like a nice guy anyway, did you tell your Dad about this already?  I mean you cant stay in the same roof as his wife again, she'll surely find a new way to hurt you. "

" I can't vee. I already ruined their marriage by just been born. I can't do that again ,especially for my brother sake. He really loves his mum and this would break him."

" Whatever happened was not your fault, you are the victim here and she has to pay before she does something way worse to you. "

" I know but now is not the right time for that. I've already sent someone to take  our stuff from your house. We are going to be living in my brothers house from now on. "

" What? ! I know that we can't stay in our house anymore but I'll figure out something. I can't stay in your brothers house, I really don't want to be a bother," I say shaking my head.

" What bother?!  You let me stay in your house for free and your sister literally took a bullet for me!  You are my family and where I go you also go. Consider this as a thank-you for everything you've done for me. "

" Am sorry but I wasn't expecting any kind of payment when I let you stay with us. I appreciate what you are trying to do but you know I'll have to find a new place to stay sooner or later."

" Okay,  but  what about for the night?"

" I'll be spending the  night here. Am not leaving Maya alone. "

Okay... Am also staying, " she says and am glad that she's is.

I'll need some company for tonight anyway.

We spend the whole night  with no news on Maya, and am hoping they'll be good some good news today.

" Hi Ava, his  are you doing? " A middle aged man says approaching us, his eyes on Rita and and i swear he looks so familiar.

Wait a minute, isn't this Nicks Dad?!

Rita rans to him and hugs him tightly.

" Am good Dad, " she says breaking the hug. " This is my friend violet."

Dad?!  What's going on here?

" Hi,  it's nice to finally meet you, " he stretches out his hand to me and i   greet him. " Thank you for taking care of my daughter. "

" It was my pleasure helping out your daughter ,Sir. "

It's definitely him!  He doesn't know me but I've seen him a couple of times, at the club. How can it be that he's also Rita's father and why did he just call her Ava?

Am so  confused right now!

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