chapter 64

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"Morning fiancee... " Alex says emphasizing on the word fiancee, a huge grin on his face.

I've just woken up and caught him starring at me.

" Morning love, " i say as he leans closer to me and gives me a kiss. " How long have you been watching me, huh? " I ask raising my eyebrows.

" Not long.. " he says getting off the bed. " I brought you breakfast ."

I watch as he places a tray on the bed.

" Breakfast in bed!" I say my eyes gazing at the coffee, eggs,pancakes, bacon and sausages in the tray. " You are spoiling me way to much, don't you think? "

" No.. I don't think so . You are my queen and you deserve this and much more!"

" I love you Alex! " I say sitting up,and hug him.

" I love you more, and thank you saying yes to my proposal. You've made me the happiest man in the world! "

"'ve made me the happiest girl alive!

When he proposed yesterday, I was beyond shocked! and I swear i was about to die from all the excitement.

I really never saw it coming!

I said yes to him squealing,and jumping up and down like a maniac. I couldn't help but cry when he put the ring on my finger, with all the fireworks exploding in the sky!

It's was magical!

A scene straight from a fairy tale! I literally felt like loyalty.

Everyone was so excited and happy while congratulating us, especially my sister and Rita. They were over the moon and even cried more than I did.

I still can't believe that it all happened! I mean, I finally got rid of the night mare called Peter, found out i was pregnant and got engaged to the best guy ever! All in a one day!

What more could I ask for?

Yesterday was the best day of my life and there's no way I'll ever forget it!

I know that all this is happening way to fast, but I feel like I've known Alex all my life and with him is where I'll always want to be.

" You know what, " Alex says getting me out of my thoughts. " Now I understand why they say that everything happens for a reason. If Stacy didn't cheat on me, I wouldn't have met you at the club. Am so grateful she cheated, I think i should thank her for that. "

" Speaking of which, what happened to Stacy? We haven't heard anything about her in two months now. "

" Am not sure...maybe she gave up and decided to let us be. "

" Stacy never gives up! "

" I know, but let's not spoil the mood by talking about her,"he says sitting next to me on the bed.

"Can we pray before breakfast? I haven't prayed in a while and right now I have a lot of things to be thankful for, you been at the top of the list. "

" Sure.. "


" Hey guys, morning, "Maya says when she spots us walking down the stairs.

She looks kind of disturbed.

We are done with breakfast and all showered, ready to start the day.

" Morning," I say as we join her on the couch.

" So.. How was breakfast in bed? " she asks with a smile.

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