chapter 34

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Am  finally  face to face with the person  that literally destroyed my life and is responsible for Maya's condition. Am so sure if she didn't sell me to those gangsters, none of this would be happening to vee and Maya.

I used to respect her alot before even when she treated me like trash, but now, am not sure anymore how I  feel about her.  She doesn't even have any kind of remorse.

" So what made you decide to come back? Did you by any chance miss me? " She asks an evil grin on her face.

" I never wanted to comeback, but I had to mum. "

" I already told you not to call me that! I am not and will never be your mum! " she yells.

" What did I ever do to you ? Why do you hate me so much? "I ask tears threatening to fall down my face.

" You were born ! And that completely ruined my life. Did you know that your mum got pregnant intentionally just to still my husband away," she says letting out a small chuckle. " She was actually about to win, since your father spent most of the time with you and her but then a miracle happened and she died. That was the best day of my life ," she says and I just shake my head, tears flowing from my eyes.

I can't believe she just said that! but then what do I expect from a monster like her.

" I hope you had nothing to do with my mothers accident?"

" Believe it or not, i didn't. It was all Gods plan. He punished her for breaking up my family but then she just had to leave you behind. I wish you died with her! "

Wow!  This woman has completely lost it. "

" So what brings you here?  Am sure you didn't come to check up on me but wait...are you here to make sure that Alex doesn't find out that his mother is a monster? "  I say wiping my tears.

" Yes I am. If you dare say a word to my son ,I wont think twice before sending you back to the brothel."

" And how will you manage to do that? " I ask walking towards her and she's surprised by my bold act.

I've never once disrespected her but enough is enough. It's so clear that she hates me and nothing I say or do will change that.

" Just the same way I managed the first time my dear. "

" Last time, I never had anyone watching over me but now, Alex has hired two bodyguards for me. I bet you didn't know that, huh? "I say smiling.

" Don't be to confident Ava. "

" Dont worry Alicia. I wasn't planning on telling Alex anything, simply because I care about him and I don't want him getting hurt. "

" That's good. Am happy to know that you at least have a brain that works," she says rolling her eyes. " Anyway, that was what brought me here and now that it's solved,  I hope to never see you again!" she says and then walks out banging the door behind her.


I walk back down stairs as soon as i here the sound of the door close . I find Rita seated silently, her hands covering her face.

" Hey are you okay? " I ask sitting beside her.

She leans her head on my chest and cries her eyes out as I stroke her hair. She cries for a whole minute before she sits up and wipes her eyes.

" Am sorry,"she says still wiping her tears. " I can be such a cry baby sometimes. "

" It's okay.... Did she hurt you? "

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