chapter 12

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" This has to stop Alex, I mean what's your problem, " George says furiously. He's messing up his hair, something he always does when he's upset.

" Can you please excuse us, " I tell Lisa who is busy watching us.

" Sure. "She says with  an attitude and I don't get what's wrong with her.

" She's my problem,why can't you see through her? She has this innocent look, the same one that Stacy always had and look at what she turned out to be! Am just saving you before you end up like me. Did she even tell you that she has a boyfriend? "

" What boyfriend?  Alex stop this nonsense Okay? Vee and stacy are two different people, stop comparing them. Just because Stacy is a maniac  doesn't mean all girls are and anyway aren't you with that Lisa girl?

" That is totally different. Lisa and I are only having sex nothing serious but you... You like violet more than you are supposed to, She's not the type of girl you want to spend forever with, " I say placing my hand on his shoulder but he brushes it off.

" Don't mess with vee again if you still want us to be friends, " he says and I look at him confused. " I really like her and I won't let you ruin it for me. If she is a mistake then am ready to learn from it," he say walking away.

Did he just say that he was willing to throw away all our years of friendship, because of her!

What's wrong with him?  Unlike me he has all the signs in front him. I mean, the girl works at a club and is also a stripper who sings  , just to entertain men for money!

What more does he want?!

I only came here to drop Lisa off but now I wish I didn't.

I am on my way to the parking lot, when I see Lisa in a hurry  my way.

" Hey, are we leaving already? "

" What do you mean we?  I only came here to drop you off, " I say raising my eyebrows.

" I know but i thought that maybe....we can continue with our fun, " she says licking her lips, her palms  roaming  my chest.

" Am kind of exhausted, " I say pushing her hands away.

" Okay... but don't you want to...

" I said no, leave me alone already, " I shout at her and she moves back startled . " Am sorry about that, but you have to stop been so clingy. There's nothing going on between beyond sex, and am paying you for that to, so please don't act like you are my girlfriend. I have to go, " I say getting in the car and driving off.

Withing minutes am in my apartment . The first thing I do is take a shower and afterwards go straight to bed.

I can't seem to catch any sleep and I find myself thinking about Ava. She usually  came here on weekends, and the place was so lively with her around.

I really miss her!

I wonder if she's okay out there and why she ran away from home. I wish she just opened up and talked to me about her problems, so I could help her out.

Isn't that what big brothers are there for anyways?

I knew that she never got along with my mum, since she was the daughter of one of Dads mistress and that must have been one of the reason she ran away.

This apartment is big enough for both of us ,so I still don't get why she didn't come to me.

It's has been six months since she ran away and I can't seem to find her anywhere!  I've hired a private investigator to look for her but he can't seem to find her, it's like she's disappeared into thin air.

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