chapter 6:

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The nerve of that girl! How dare she talk to me like that? I take the elevator and in seconds am in George office. I don't bother knocking but I wish I did,just to unsee what am looking at right now.

George is busy banging his on and off girlfriend Meghan , who is also his personal secretary on his desk. He always said he didn't feel anything for her and she knew it but she keeps throwing herself at him any chance she gets. The minute they spot me, Meghan quickly gets off the desk, adjusting her clothes and walks out but not before winking at me.

" Couldn't you have found a better timing? "George asks zipping his pants.

" Couldn't you get a room, Or at least lock the door? " I ask closing the door , walking to the couch at the far end of the office and taking a seat. " I thought you two were done already? "

" We are, what you saw was just two adults having fun, " He says with a smirk.

" And are you sure she knows that,i mean you don't want her getting the wrong picture. "

" She does and she gets it. I'd rather do her than sleep around with different women everyday and anyway she's the one who is always seducing me. So, what brings you here this early morning, " he says sitting at his desk and leaning on the chair.

" I don't have anywhere else to go. That crazy woman keeps following me everywhere. When I got to my apartment from the hotel, she was already there waiting for me crying her eyes out, asking for forgiveness. I just left her there and i couldn't go home or the office. I don't think I'll be able to control myself when I see my Dad. I still feel like strangling him until he died a slow death, while I watch in amusement."

" Okay ,that was crazy. Anyway you can go chill in my house," George says throwing me his keys.

" You know that will be the next place she goes to ,when she doesn't find me in my office ."

"So how long are you planning on playing this hide and seek games,huh?"

" I don't know ," I say with a sigh. " I still love her. I was planning on marrying her you know , I thought she was my it girl but she ruined everything for me. Am afraid if I listen to her explanations, I'll end up fucking up again and take her back. "

" Men, you are really whipped. Just tell her to leave you alone, unless you want to run off to Mars or something. You can't keep running from her, " George says smiling lightly and shaking his head.

" What if I just hire a pretend girlfriend, that might work right? "

"Are you stupid, She will kill her before you even get the chance To hire her. "

" Okay I think I'll have to man up then. "

" Okay,now can you leave. I have a lot of work to do, " George says restarting his computer and I get up to leave.

" Before I go, I'd like to know something ."

" Yeah, what? "

" Did you by any chance hire that girl from the club to work for you? "

" What girl?"

" The one you were flirting with."

" Violet? No why? "

" I bumped into her some minutes ago in the firm and she managed to make my morning worse than it was. "

" I really don't think so, if she worked for me, I think I would know about it. "

" Then I was right. That slut is stalking you. You showed an interest in her and now she's planning on how she'll make her move on you. She's really good, she even managed to find out where you worked in only one night .You have to be careful with her."

" I don't think she is anything like that. She seems like a nice girl and I really like her. If she has plans for me then am ready for whatever she'll throw my way," George says smirking.

" You are crazy. Yes, you can have fun with her but don't fall in love because she'll destroy you ," I say turning to leave but just as I reach to unlock the door, it sounds open and Stacy walks right in.

She looks mad as hell and I don't even want to know why so I walk past her but she quickly kicks the door shut before I get to it.

" Can you give us some privacy, " she says rudely to George .

" You do realize you are kicking me out of my own office right? "

" I don't care. Just leave already, " she barks and George leave raising his hands up in surrender as he murmurs the word crazy.

" Who the hell is Lisa Alex? Did you spend the night with her?"

"Who the hell do you think you are meddling in my private life?" I yell at her and she jumps back startled.

I had never shouted at her before not even when I caught her, pants down with my Dad in his marital bed. She always thought she had her fingers wrapped up around me which was that was true, but not anymore.

" Hey ,Alex its me," she says coming closer , looking at me like I was a stranger.

" I know who the fuck you are, I haven't lost my memory. I still remember clearly how you cheated on me with my own father and you have the balls to budge in here acting all jealous?"

" Am sorry Alex. I swear it wasn't my fault, you father forced me into it," She said wrapping her arms around my neck. " You know I love you and only you ."

" Cut the bullshit Stacy. Am done falling for your stupid lies now just leave me alone," I say very seriously pushing her gently from me which leaves her shocked.

" Alex, you know you still love me. You cant forget about me even if you sleep with a million whores,you get me?" she said walking around the table grinning.

" Is that what you think?" I say walking towards her and stopping just an inch from her, tucking her hair behind her ear and whisper. " Watch me do it."

After that i exit the office and leave her shocked and speechless. I had never even once in my life treated her like that, but she left me no choice.

Her parents and mine were close friends for a long time and when they passed away from a car accident, My parents took her in and brought her up like one of their own. I had loved her ever since. She wasn't my first girlfriend but she was the first one that I truly gave myself to.

I would literally have done anything to make her happy , I basically worshiped the ground she walked on. I first caught her in my ex best friends Max ,apartment two years ago.I had the keys to his apartment so I went straight in and found them all over each other in the sitting room almost naked.

I thought I was having a fucking nightmare until she ran to me pleading and begging for my forgiveness. I dint know how to live without her then and I had no choice but to forgive her but not again. If my mum ever found out what she did, she'd be dead by now. My mum was so possessive over my dad that she'd track down every woman he'd ever had an affair with and ruin them completely.

I never understood why she was still with him and there was no way i was going to end up like her trying to fix what was already broken.

The first thing am going to do now is find someone to change the locks to my apartment .I'll do anything to get rid of her memories , I know it wont be easy but I won't let her win this time.

Hi guy, thanks for having time to read my story, I really appreciate it. Please vote and comment, tell me what you think about the story so far. I love you guys 😘

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