chapter 38

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"Hey," Rita says walking in the bedroom. " I thought you were sleeping. "

" I tried but couldn't catch any sleep," I say sitting up. " Nick already left? "

" Yes, about thirty minutes ago. "

After lunch Rita, Nick and I came back to the house while Alex went back to work and an hour later I excused myself to get some sleep but didn't manage to get any.

I've been laying in bed for almost four hours, thinking about everything that has been happening to me. I still can't believe that this is my life! I feel like am in a movie or something.

I came here for a new beginning but so far I've just made new enemies who are clearly very dangerous but am not running anymore. Maya was so right , running away from problems does not solve them, it only creates more.

Am planning on taking whatever is thrown my way and throwing it back with no hesitation.

No more cowering away.

" Are you okay? You are awfully quiet ," Rita says getting me out of thoughts.

" I am. I kind of got lost in my thoughts ," I say getting of the bed.

I go to the closet and get some clothes placing them neatly on the bed. All this time Rita is staring at me.

" Are you planning on going out?" Rita asks.

" Yes, I've decided to go back to work at the club. All this sitting around with nothing to do, is not doing me any good. "

" But it's to early to go back to work! You need to rest and gather enough energy to take care of Maya. "

" I also need money and I wont get it by resting," I say grabbing a towel.

" I know you and I know you feel like you are taking advantage of us by being here but you are not. You are family now, I mean you are even pregnant with my brothers baby, " she says giggling while I just shake my head. " Seriously though, I think you should rest for atleast a week. A lot has happened to you and you need time to take it all in. "

" I know but being idle is making me think and stress a lot. I need to work and occupy my mind with something before I go crazy!" I tell her been truthful.

" Okay, I guess I get you," she says sitting on the bed and I can tell she's not fully convinced. " I hope you still remember that Lisa is back ,I bet she'll do anything to make your life hell at work . "

" I know but am not scared of her. "

" You should be. I really dont trust her but my mind is at ease knowing that Nick will be there with you," she says with a sigh. "He's so dreamy, right. "

" Who, Nick?!

" Yes, I don't get how that Chloe chick could leave such a guy. I mean he's super handsome,honest and very charming. He's the kind of guy who loves for real and there are not many of them left. "

Oh my God !what's happening here? I hope it's not what am thinking!

"I know , but don't you even think about falling for him, okay ?"

" Why not, he's single and....

" And nothing, Nick is still madly in love with Chloe and I dont want you getting hurt." That's the only explanation I can come up with right now but atleast it's legit.

I really want to tell her the truth but I can't! I think I'll have to talk to Alex about this before something crazy happens.

" Unfortunately, you are right, " she says with a bored expression. " Chloe is a lucky girl, to bad she doesn't know it yet. "

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