chapter 47

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" Well..., " I ask waiting for a explanation. She's been staring at the phone for a while without saying a word and she looks surprised.

I can't believe that she did that to me! I know we were not in any kind of relationship but I feel like she led me on and made me fall for her. I hate to say it, but I can't stop thinking about her no matter how hard I try. Am now stuck with this crazy feelings that hurt like a bitch, especially now that I know she doesn't want me like I thought she did.

I've been trying to get her of my mind, telling myself that it was just lust that led me closer to her, but that's just a big lie. I don't recall at which point exactly I fell for her but, I did.

Am in love with her!

I love her more than I have ever loved anyone in my life! I mean with Stacy, it's was all about fun and sex. I thought she was the one for me and i almost lost my self while trying to please her by fulfilling all her desires. Am glad that my eyes were opened by her betrayal.

Stacy gave me what I wanted but vee has exactly what I need. She makes me feel like i can be myself around her unlike Stacy whom I had to act a certain way with. She makes me feel so good when am with her in so many ways, without even laying her hands on me. And, it's so fucking crazy what just the sound of her voice does to me.I mean, she makes me shiver everytime she says my name.

Stacy never made me feel half of what she does!

I think am totally and completely whipped!!

I've been going crazy ever since someone sent me pictures of her and George kissing. One of the pictures, shows them kissing in his office , while in the other, they are in bed , and she's comfortably lying on his chest like there's no other place she'd rather be. There is also a video, which shows her walking with George in his apartment, hand in hand acting all lovey dovey.

What does George have that I don't? I mean, why did she choose him?

And all this time I thought that she wasn't interested in him.

" How did you get this? " She asks curiously ,her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

" That doesn't matter. "

" Just answer my fucking question Alex! " she says angrily. "Who the hell sent this to you?! "

" I don't know, okay! It was sent by an unknown number and I didn't bother asking who it was " I say.

" But... this is all I lie! Nothing is going on between George and I and I've never even been to his apartment!" she says still looking at the pictures on the phone.

" So...what you are saying that all those are photoshopped?"

" Yes they are! Only the first one is real though... but I didn't kiss him. He was the one that forcefully kissed me in his office ."

" What?! George would never do that! "

" Well, he did and am so sure he's also the one who sent you the photos. "

" Why would he go through all that trouble of faking the photos and send them to me? "

" Because he's jealous! He thinks that there's something going on between us, " she says anger clear on her face.

" Did he tell you that? "

" No."

" Okay, let's pretend for a second that the photos are fake , how will you explain the video, " I ask raising a brow at her.

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