Chapter 9

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" Stacy.... Where the hell are you,  " am screaming my lungs out as soon as i get home. Stacy is now living in my parents  house after I kicked her out of my apartment.

Believe it or not, she still has the guts to live in the same house with Dad after what they did, still asking for forgiveness. If I were her I'd run and hide before my mum finds out, that will really be messy.

Anyways , how dare she hire someone to rape Lisa? I never thought she was this wicked and am so glad she is out of my life. Now I really get the saying "everything happens for a reason. " If she didn't cheat on me, I would have spend my life with a Psychopath thinking she was an angel.

Am so glad I ran into vee, otherwise I wouldn't have known about this. I can't believe that Lisa hasn't told me yet but what is more hard to believe is that her friend actually has a boyfriend. What does he even see in her, I mean yes she's beatifull but that doesn't change the fact that she's still a rude little slut.

I really can't stand her and why am I thinking about her?

" What's wrong son, " Dad says rushing down the stairs. " You almost gave me a heart attack. "

" I wish I did and you'd already be dead, "  I say  walking past him.

He doesn't seem to be surprised by what I said as he watches me shaking his head.

"  That's no way to talk to your father, I thought I taught you some manners Son."

I stop and spin to look at him.
" Well, I guess you thought wrong. "

" Am sorry about what happened Son. Stacy kept on seducing me and i couldn't take it anymore more, am only human you know. "

" Don't give me that only human crap Dad! "I shout walking back towards him. " You've cheated on mum like a million times and turned her into a monster. She's always chasing after your whores, threatening them left and right, she doesn't even have any self respect left all because of you."

" It's not my fault that she doesn't want to leave me.I have asked her for a divorce a thousand times but she actually believes in  till death due us apart shit! I actually don't blame her, just look at me ,am a sexy mother fucker where do you think you got your looks from huh? he asks smirking at me.

I fist my hand trying my best not to pounce on him. What a jerk, he was given the best woman in the world,a woman who loves him with all she's got but he doesn't see it. He's a total waste of time.

" I don't know how, but am going to do it, but I'll make sure that she divorces you?"

" Good luck with that."

"You know at some point in my life I wanted to be just like you, " I say   shaking my head." but now I wish that you were dead, no wonder Ava  ran away from this cursed place. Do you even still remember her?

" You know I haven't stopped looking for her. It's been Six month and every second that passes by my heart breaks a little .I know you can't see it now, but you two are the only things I care about in this life."

" And what nice ways you have of showing that, huh? "I say rolling my eyes and turn heading back up  stairs.

I go straight up to Stacy room and i don't bother knocking. She's sitted on the bed  completely naked smiling up to me.

" I knew you'd miss me at some point, " she says getting up and walking to me.

I always found her body mesmerizing  and nothing has changed. My mind is a blur right now and all I want to do is touch and make love to her. She is using her seductive power over me and am afraid she's winning.

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