chapter 19

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It's about 8.30 in the morning, and am all sweaty from my morning run. I rush up stairs to my room for a quick shower before I head out to see George. He called me last night and told me the has a surprise for me, and am really anxious to know what it's all about.

He sounded happy when he called, and that gave me some kind of relief. I thought that It would take him longer to get over vee but I guess he wasn't that much into her ,after all.

Am still contemplating on whether to tell him about the boyfriend issue or not. Am so sure that once he learns that she's actually single, he'll start chasing after her again and that's going to be messy , since she isn't interested in him romantically.

In a few minutes am done and as am busy getting dressed,stacy barges,her face red with anger."

I have to admit that she looks really cute when she's angry, she always did.

" Hey, didn't anyone ever teach you how to knock? " I ask.

" You cancelled my credit card?! How could you!" She yells and I just gaze at her. " Am talking to you Alex, what am I supposed to do now? "

" Get a job maybe," I say with a raised eyebrow."

" Work?! Are you out of your mind?! " She asks looking at me like I have just grown a second head.

Stacy has never worked once in her life. My family and I provided everything she needed and it's about time she fends for herself.

" That's what most people do to make money Stacy.....It's about time you work hard, since you pretty much know how to play hard, " I say smirking at her and I swear she's about to explode.

" You can't do this to me, you know I've never worked once in my life and am not planning to. "

" Suit yourself ,now get the fuck out of my room! "

" You know that I'll get money from your mum right? " She says an evil grin on her face.

" Don't you dare get my mum involved in this! you've already done enough damage by lying to her, " I warn her trying my best not to strangle her.

she walks towards me and places her palms on my chest, the silly smile still on her face.

" You know your mum adores me and would do anything for me. If you don't give me back my credit card am going to make sure your mum finds out that, you are making up the baby story and she'll never trust you again, " She says her fingers crawling up my neck.

" Am not making up any stories Stacy, that's your Job. "

" Exactly right, and you know what, I already have the perfect story for your mum and i bet she'll believe it, just like she believed the stupid lie about you cheating on me. Just between us, " she says pointing from me to her." I never thought that she would buy that story so easily. I was actually surprised when she did."

" I guess now it's my turn to be surprised ," mum says walking in and the look on Stacy's face is priceless." How could you lie to me knowing well enough, that I detest liars. "

Stacy is just standing here in panic looking pretty embarrassed, and am so relieved all this is finally over.

She actually dug her own grave.

I dint think it was going to be this easy to get rid of her but I guess the odds aren't against me this time.

This means that I don't have to lie to mum anymore. No more trying to find a fake girlfriend .

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