chapter 52

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"What?" George asks eyeing Alex with so much hatred.

" I said, that won't be possible. "

" That's for Vee to decide, Alex! "

" Yes it is, " I decide to interfere, before things get out of hand. "And you know we've got nothing to talk about George. "

" Vee come on! How long are you going to hold a grudge against me? Please forgive me for what I did,i already promised you it won't happen again ," he says trying to take my hand but I move back.

Alex is starting to get agitated and he's busy throwing daggers at George. I don't get why George won't just leave me alone!

I've already made it clear that I don't want anything to do with him but he just never gives up and he's even starting to making up stories.

" It's funny how you want me to forgive you but still continue hurting me! " I say and he seems kind of confused for a second." How could you fake photos of us together and send them to Alex?  What were you trying to do, huh?!

" I did what? !"

" Cut the bullshit George!  "Alex says fuming. " The photos were taken at your apartment and in your office, right after you forcefully kissed Vee! When did you start forcing  yourself on girls and making up lies? This so unlike you! "

" You want to know when it all started Alex? " George asks walking closer to Alex. This two are breathing fire right now and i hope they don't end up killing each other!

" It started when you tried to steal my girl!  You lied to me that she was just acting as your girlfriend but that was all your plan so you could get her to bed! And no need denying it, Stacy told me that she found you two in bed together!"

" He never lied to you George! Nothing was going on between us then,"I say walking over to Alex and standing beside him.

" Yes, I didn't lie about that and Vee is not your girl, she's mine! " Alex adds.

" She's yours? "

" Yes, she's my girlfriend ," Alex confirms and George doesn't seem to be surprised. He's busy glaring at Alex and then his gaze switches to me.

" I thougt you said you weren't into relationships Vee? " George asks pain flickering in his eyes." So.. You rejected me for him? "

" Look George, I don't owe you any kind of explanation, " I say and he let's out a chuckle messing up his hair.

" Okay.. Maybe you don't but he does, " he says pointing at Alex, his eyes dark and cold. " You knew from the beginning that I was crazy about her but you still stole her from me? How could you do that to me? Friends don't do that to each other!"

" Am sorry George,this wasn't planned. It just happened and i never wanted to hurt you . I love her and she loves me, you should just accept that," Alex says but George just shakes his head.

" Did you know that Alex had planned on seducing you and sleep with you as pay back for rejecting me and been rude to him? " George says and immediately my heart stop for a second as i look at Alex." He said that he was going to prove that you are a slut, so I wouldn't waste my time with you and from what I see, he's surely keeping his word."

Oh God!  I hope this is not what am thinking!

Could all this just be a game to Alex?!

" What's he talking about Alex?" i ask my voice panicking.

" I did say all that Vee," he says looking  at me and i can see fear in his eyes as he takes my hand. " But I didn't mean any of it. I was just angry at the world after what happened with Stacy and I was talking and acting crazy! I am with you, because I love you, not to prove anything to anyone.You believe me, right? "

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