chapter 61

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Nick and I are at the hospital ,and am so nervous pacing back and forth, waiting for some news from the doctors. This is the nearest hospital we could find and we've been waiting for about an hour now, and no one is telling us anything! Am starting to think that all the doctors here are incompetent!

I've been at the receptionist more times than I can count and all she keeps on telling me is be patient and wait for the doctor.

Mike and Peter are here too. The police brought them about forty minutes ago.

I still dont get how they are both still alive!

They better pray they die because I'll literally make they life hell if they don't!

I was so horrified when we lost Vee, that I almost got into a fight with Max. I just knew that all this was a bad idea! The only hope I had was jade, and I was so glad I had asked Leo to follow her after she left the workshop.

She agreed to tell me where they were if I didn't report her to the police, and helped her get out of the country. I had no other choice but to accept.

" Hey, how are they? Are they awake yet? " Ava asked walking towards me. She's with my parents and... Lisa!

What is she doing here?!

" I don't know anything yet! We are still waiting for the doctor, " I say kind of frustrated.

"Don't worry, the two sisters are fighters,and they are definitely going to make it, " Mum says rubbing my shoulder.

" Yeah.. they are the strongest people I know, " Ava adds.

" I know but i still can't help but worry. "

"Is that Max?" Dad asks as i spot him walking over to us.

" Hi Mr and Mrs Jones, " Max says smiling lightly at them. " It's nice to see you again. "

" Hi Max, " mum says hugging him. " Why did you disappear on us? Anyway, am glad you are back." she says pulling back.

" What are you doing here?" Dad asks.

" Am the officer in charge of Vees case."

" Speaking of which, what's happening with Peter and Mike? And did you already get that Paul guy and all the other accomplices?"I ask.

"Yes, we already have Paul and all the others in our custody, and Peter just passed away. Mike is still in critical condition and the doctors aren't sure if he's going to make it. "

" It's good to know that justice has been served already ," Ava say with a sigh and I agree with her. Atleast Vee and Maya will live in peace now.

They can finally have their new beginning, and they won't be looking over their shoulders anymore.

" Can I talk to you for a second," Max asks taking a few steps back and I follow him.

" What do you want to talk about? Is everything okay? "

" Yes, it's not about the case. I want to apologize for what I did to you," he says and I roll my eyes.

" This is not the place or the time to talk about what happened between us. "

" Actually it is, Stacy seduced me Alex! Am not saying that am not to blame because I am. All am saying is that am really sorry for falling in her trap , I should have been faithful to our friendship ."

" Yes, you should have! " I say angrily."You were the last person I expected to do that to me Max! Anyways, we can't change what happened and your apology won't change anything," I say walking back to my family.

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