chapter 65

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" Hey, what happened in there? you look kind of tense," Alex asks walking towards me. I've been  standing outside Lisa's room for about five minutes, waiting for him.

Alicia left the second we arrived. She looked exhausted, and Alex asked her to go home and get some rest. Her husband, had already left the hospital for an important meeting, before we got here.

I don't really know what made lisa think I would give up Alex so easily, especially now that am pregnant !

When will it ever hit her that Alex doesn't love her, and love can't be forced!

That girl has gone completely crazy, and am afraid I might strangle her if I don't get out if this place soon.

" Nothing.. Am just exhausted, " I say.

Am not sure telling him about the crazy prank that Lisa pulled ,will do him any good. I'd rather just keep it to myself.

" So.. When will she be discharged? " i ask.

" They have already discharged her, we'll drop her at the house and later on go home."

" Okay," I say as I follow him back in the room.

" When am I getting out of here?I really don't like hospitals," Lisa asks as soon as we get in the room.

" You've been discharged...get yourself ready, and if you don't want to come back here, you have to take care of yourself. The doctor said that you need complete bed rest ,if you don't want to loose the baby,and we all know you dont want that, " Alex says.

" But both of you do. Am sure you'd be beyond happy if that happened. You'd get rid of me once and for all, right?" Lisa asks.

"I won't deny you been pregnant is the worst thing that ever happened to me, but I'd never be happy over the death of my child! No matter what differences we may have, the child is mine and I care about it."

" If that's true, then let me stay with you. You are the only person that can take better care of me and your baby," Lisa says and I just shake my head.

I guess the word defeat is not in her dictionary!

" Not happening! get ready, we have to leave," Alex says taking my hand  while Lisa gives me this deadly glare.

The whole drive to Alicia's place is sient,and am relieved when we finally get there. Alicia asks us to stay over for lunch and even though I don't want to be anywhere near Lisa, I agree ,mostly because I love robbins cooking.

" So.. When is the wedding?" Alicia asks half way into our meal.

"They just got engaged yesterday!  I mean. What's the hurry? " That's Lisa.

" We haven't talked about it yet mum,but if it was up to me.. I'd marry her right now! " Alex says kissing my hand.

"You guys better fix a date soon. Don't forget that I don't have much time, and I want to see vee walk down the isle before I go, " Alicia says.

" Don't say that mum.. Am more than sure you'll be fine. "

" Yes Alicia...we'll find a donor for you, but I also think you are right, we should get married soon, " I say and Alex looks at me with eyes wide open.

" Really?! "

" Yes really."

" Well.. How about you get married in three months ," Alicia says excitedly. " That would give us enough time to get everything ready . "

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