chapter 53

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" Oh please Lisa! you expect us to believe that?! Rita asks, rolling her eyes ." I have no doubt you are pregnant but am sure you don't know who the father is and you want to pin it on my brother because he rejected you, right?! "

Alex is tense, his eyes still on me trying to figure out what am thinking , and by his reaction, I think that Lisa is telling the truth.

How could he be so irresponsible to go around having sex without protection?!

I knew that all this was too good to be true. Just this morning I was the happiest girl in the world but Lisa just had to come and rain on my parade!

What will happen to us now if she's pregnant?!

Will he leave me for her?! But he loves me and he doesn't have to be with her to raise the child, right?!

But what if Alicia sides with Lisa?

Fuck! I have so many questions on my head right now, and I feel like am about to explode!

" Alex is the father and he knows it! Am not lying."

Alex turns to her giving her a very deadly stare.

" You drugged me Lisa, didn't you? I had my doubts about it but now am sure and this was your plan all along! " he says through gritted teeth, trying not to lash out on her.

She drugged him!

Lisa might be crazy but I never expected this from her.

" I didn't drug.... "

" Don't you dare lie to me?! Alex cut in. " I was so stupid to fall for your trap but even if you are pregnant, I'll never, ever be with you!"

" Okay.. I admit that I did spike your drink , but that doesn't change the fact that am pregnant and it doesn't matter if you love me or not, you still have to be responsible for the baby!" Lisa says smiling with no shame at all.

I just want to smack that smile of her face so damn bad!

" That's if the child is his, " I say glaring at her.

" Look Vee ....i know that I sleep around a lot but I don't do it without protecting myself, am not that stupid. "

" You think? ! Rita asks.

Ma'am, " Lisa says turning to Alicia, who's been awfully quiet. "Alex is responsible for my pregnancy and I'll do whatever you want, just to prove it. "

" You all know that there's nothing I want more than a grandchild right now, but you are the last person I'd want to be the mother, " Alicia says getting up and looks disgustingly at lisa.

" The fact that you had to drug my son to get pregnant, shows how pathetic you are! If you are infact carrying my grandchild, I'll make sure to take the baby from you once he's born, no grandchild of mine will be raised by someone like you! " She countinues, clearly meaning every word and her tone kind of scares me.

Lisa is beyond shocked! Am sure that she was expecting for Alicia to take her side but jokes on her.

" Come on Alicia, " George says. " You know you just can't take a child away from its mother with no valid reasons. "

" George please!With money everything is possible, " Alicia says an evil grin on her face. " And I would only be doing the child a favour. "

" Is this the kind of drama you want in your life vee?" " Georges says his eyes on me. " You know if Lisa is telling the truth, she and the baby will always be apart of yours and Alex's life. Alex will have to be there for the baby and take you for granted at some point, and you'll regret ever choosing him over me. "

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