chapter 8

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Lisa is still kind of shaky after what happened, and I make sure, I get her home and leave her in the care of  her room mate ivy.

When I get home ,I have a hot long shower and creep  to bed so as not to wake up the girls.

I toss and turn  on the bed and I can't seem to get any sleep. I can't help but think about my monster of an Uncle Peter ,no matter how hard I try too push the thought aside. After everything that happened, I just can't help it.

I know that he has already destroyed everything my parents worked so hard  for and I swear sometimes i hate the fact that i can't do anything about it.

The thought of even seen him gives me sends a cold shivers down my spine.

It was really hard forgetting everything he did and moving on but I had to do it for Maya. She's the only reason  i wake up everyday and act like everything is good.

I decide to wake up and go for a run, that always calms me down.

"Hey vee, " some one says as soon as am out of the house and am almost startled.

" Mike! what are you doing here ? I don't remember ever telling you where I live," I say glaring at him.

" Come down  and before you start thinking the worst, Lisa gave me your address okay, am no stalker. "

" Why would she do that?!

" She told me what happened and i just wanted to make sure you are alright. "

" Okay... Let's pretend for a second I believe you, why would you care if am okay or not, we are not even friends. "

" I know, but that doesn't stop me from caring about you. Maybe we should be friends, am really not as big a jerk as you think, " he says stretching out his hand to me.

" Am sorry Mike, am not in the mood to make friends right now, I have to go. "

I start walking away and he follows me.

" Don't you have anything better to do? " Why are you following me?  For some one who wants to be friends, you are sure making all the wrong moves, you know?"

" Can I join you, I just want to make sure that you are okay". He walks close to me taking my hand and" I give him a what the hell look" but he still doesn't stop. "Am sorry but after what happened, I realized I don't want to loose you vee. I know you see me as a joke but I really got it bad for you. I want to be here for you even if it's just as a friend. Please just let me? "

Am  in utter shock right now and I can't seem to get anything out of my mouth.

" You like me!?

" Yes, for a while now actually and I just didn't know how to tell you. Am not asking for much I just want us to be friends ,talk and laugh about anything,and everything  like you do with Lisa and Nick,please vee. "

I look at him and he looks so vulnerable and I feel sorry for him. For the first time ever since I met him I feel he is being sincere and I kind of believe him.

" Okay... friends, but don't you dare flirt with me. "

" Okay," he says  grinning, his eyes shining with excitement.

" Let's get going then , " he say and I follow him.

We run for almost  an hour and stop at the park. The park is not really crowded since its still morning and alot of people are on their way to church.

" I'll get us some water? " Mike says and I nod at him, walking over to sit at a nearby bench.

As I sit there my eyes roaming around,  I catch a glimpse of Alex and I just can't seem to look away. No matter how annoying this guy is, I can't deny that he is the sexiest man alive.

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