chapter 60

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" Oh my God, Mike! " I scream as I watch him groaning in pain on the floor.

" What Did you do you maniac! "Maya yells at Peter." Go help him Vee, " she says and I rush to him and start putting pressure on the wound,with my hand, hoping to atleast slow down the bleeding.

" You need to get him to a hospital before he bleeds to death! " I say to Peter who's just standing there confused, contemplating on what to do.

I know i should be rejoicing now that Mike got what he deserved, but am not that kind of person, and he did save my life.

" What the fuck happened?! " Paul asks rushing in from the front door. " I could here the gun shot from a far!and am sure am not the only one who heard it! "

" I didn't mean to shoot him okay, " Peter finally speaks ." The gun just went off, that could have been me,you know!"

"We have to leave now! Am sure one of the neighbors has already called the police! And Jade called, She said that Vees boyfriend cornered her and she had no choice but to tell him where we are! " Paul says.

"Shit! we can't leave empty handed, " Peter says grabbing my hand. " I'll give you one last chance Vee, sign this  papers and I'll let you and Maya go, " he says but i don't believe a word he says.

" We are not going to sign anything Peter!" Maya yells and Peter shoots the ceiling in frustration.

" Stop that! " Paul says. " Let's just leave already! Am not planning on spending the rest of my life in prison."

"Okay.. But give me a minute. Am not leaving this two Alive," Peter says grabbing me by the hair as i scream out in pain.

" Okay...but do whatever you have to do fast! What do we do with Mike?" " Paul asks looking at Mike  who's still bleeding profusely. He's breathing heavily and already looks weak.

" He doesn't deserve mercy because he's a traitor, let him bleed to death! If he's lucky the police might get to him on time ," Peter says as he walks to Maya, still pulling me by the hair.

He let's go of my hair and unties Maya.

"I hope you still remember where your room was Vee, because that's where we are going, " he says pointing the gun at Maya." Now walk!"

I lead the way and in seconds we are in my room. One of his guys walks in with the two chairs that were down stairs ,and we tied to them again.

" You two still have a chance to  save your lives ," Peter says walking towards me.

"Do your worst Peter, Am not afraid of death !As a matter of fact, I'll die peacefully knowing that you won't get to enjoy my Dads fortune," Maya says all smiles and Peter turns to her and gives her a tight slap.

" Maya..!"I yell.

" The truth hurts, right Peter?" Maya countinues.

What is wrong with this girl!

" Maya please stop provoking him! "

" Why Vee? He's going to kill us anyway, we have nothing to loose! "

"Okay.. I guess it's about time you two meet your maker. Mike is actually a lucky guy because he's still going to be with you in the after life... if it actually exists," he says with a grin ,turning to walk out.

Am not sure what he's planning to do, and that really scares me!

" Vee, am sorry.. Please forgive me for getting you into this mess, " Maya says.

" It's not your fault, I should have told you about Mike.Anyway,we have to find a way out of here. "

" How?!

" I don't know, but there has to be a way, " I say turning my head, looking for something we can use.

As my eyes are busy roaming around, Peter walks back in, a can of gasoline in her hands. I watch in horror as he pours it around the room and then moves to the door.

He's planning on burning us alive!

" Any last words? " he asks.

" Please don't do this!" I plead with him.

" It's to late for that Vee, " he says as he lights a match stick and drops it, a grin on his face. Maya and I scream in horror as we watch the fire spread.

Peter  stands at the door for a few seconds, watching us with a smile.

" Bye, " he says walking out and locks the door behind him.

" Am scared Vee, " Maya says staring at me frightenedly.

" We'll be fine Maya,we just have to find a way out, " I say looking at the fire which is spreading fast! I struggle to untie the ropes but they are firmly tied and they won't budge.

I feel so helpless and scared.

We are both coughing now, and the heat of the fire is getting hotter. smoke has already covered the entire room.

I can barely see anything!

"Am sorry vee.. I love you so much., " Maya says sobbing and my eyes well up.

" Dont say that! It feels like you are saying goodbye and I won't let us die here, " I say pushing myself, plus the chair to the ground.

" What are you doing?! " Maya asks her voice weak, as she cough.

" I'll try and burn the rope , and make it easier to untie myself , " I say pushing the chair closer to the fire.

"'ll burn your hands!"

" That's the least of my problems right now Maya, " I say still stuggling.

My chest is starting to hurt from to much smoke inhalation and I can barely breathe, but am not giving up.

" Maya.., " I call once I notice that she's been awfully silent but she doesn't reply. " Maya,are you okay? " I ask ,lifting my head up to look at her but I can't see anything and my eyes are watery from all the smoke.

I think she is uncouncious!

My whole body is shacky as i scream out Mayas name and the smoke is making me dizzy. She's kind of far from me, and am in between the fire now. I can't even move!

Am about to give up when I here Alex call my name and I start to think that am hallucinating.

" Vee, " the voice calls again much closer now, and I realise that it's actually real!

"Alex.. We are in here, please help us, " I yell with all the strength left in me and immediately, the door is kicked open.

" Vee!" Alex says trying to reach to me in the midst of flames.

" Please get Maya out first, she's uncouncious, " I say. I can barely breathe now.

" I can't leave you here!"

" Alex, please!" I say as I cough multiple times.

" I'll be back, " he says as he quickly unties her, and I watch as he carries her out of the room.

I hear footsteps approaching a few seconds later, and Alex walks back in and rushes to me.

" How romantic," my uncle says from the door while Alex is busy untying me.

What's is he still doing here!

"You think you are safe because you knight and shining armor came to save you but I won't let you get out of this one alive," he says trying to lock us in but Nick suddenly shows up and pushes him in.

He looses his balance and falls to fire. I watch in horror as his clothes and body catch fire and he screams out in pain.

" Nick.. Get some water, " Alex yells, as he lifts me up.

Am so tired and exhausted, and the second am in Alex's arms,  everything turns pitch black, and I collapse on his chest.

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