chapter 3

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" Whats up with you,why do you look like you are about to kill someone? " Lisa asks as i walk over to her on the counter.

"Nothing, just do me a favour and serve that table for me, please? "

"How can i say no to that, just look at those two hotties!"

" Don't even bother, especially not with the one on the right. He is a rude asshole!"

" You know I love them rude girl, " she says as she adjusts her boob's and walks towards them seductively.

Those boob's are fake though and she already confirmed it. She's done surgery multiple times and I never understood why. Why should I go through all that pain just to please a man who doesn't give a fuck about me?! Shouldn't someone just love you the way you are?

Anyway, who gives a shit about love, definitely not me! Me and love don't get along anyway.

I watch Lisa as she serves them smiling and flirting with the guy on the right, was it Alex? Yeah, I think that's what his friend called him.

That's is Lisa for you. She's actually from a very decent, rich family. She ran away from home with her boyfriend to the city when she was 16 but the stupid guy left her stranded in the city all alone after a year. She couldn't go home for reasons known to her and that's how she ended up here.

She's always been flirty and seductive and if you ask me, I think she was born that way. She's just so good at it and her beauty doesn't fail her either.

Her charm seems to be working on him, since he's kind of smiling and holding a conversation with her. I thought he didn't come here to chat with sluts..Oh well..

I continue working and find myself stealing glances at him from time to time, I just can't help it. I can tell he's is already drunk by the way he is talking and laughing.He might be rude but clearly he is a sight to behold.

" Hey vee, go get ready. You need to be on stage in ten minutes."

" Okay Boss."

" Call me Nick vee, Stop playing."

" Okay Boss Nick. "

"I give up, " he says shaking his head and walking away.

Nick is the bosses son. He's being in charge of this place for over five years and is actually the one who gave me the job. He is a kind Soul and we all love and respect him alot. I even had a crush on him once but too bad he is already taken.

I go back to my locker and put on my a tight silky red dress for the show and apply some make up. I sigh deeply as I take small steps heading to the stage which is on the right end of the bar. I know i should be used to it by now but I always get nervous before every performance.

This is not the kind of life I had being looking forward to but we all know beggars can not be choosers!

It's not like I didn't enjoy singing or dancing, lord knows it was always my dream! but not in this kind of environment.

" Hi people. Let's show some love to our beautiful singer vee. " Nick announces and there's applause as i take the three steps up the stage.

I start my performance immediately eager to get over with it. I sing my heart out swaying my hips from left to right just to keep them entertained. As always there's a crowd of people dancing on the dance floor.

I spot Alex looking at me with a bored expression on his face. I look away fast afraid of getting lost in his eyes and forgetting all my lyrics. This guy is too damn attractive.

But why the hell is he so rude! If he doesn't like my perfomance he could just leave right? It's not like someone is holding a gun to his head forcing him to be here!

A drunk guy tries to yank me from the stage but Nick and some bouncers grab him kicking him out of the night club. This happens most of the time so it doesn't affect my performance in any way.

After my perfomance which usually lasts for two hours, I take a quick shower and go back to serve in the bar.

"Hi, " someone says from behind me and i turn to look.

It's the guy who was Alex.
" Hi, can I get you something?

" No. Am George and you are?" He asks giving me his killer smile.

George huh? I think i already like him.

And Damn that smile! It can be very contagious.

" Am violet."

" Am sorry about my friend. He's not a bad guy, he is just going through something right now. "

" Don't worry about that. Am kind of used to that around here."

"But you shouldn't be. Why do you even work here? Aren't you too young for this? "

" Not trying to be rude but that is none of your business."

He may be nice and all but no one gives him the right to interfere with my private life.

" Am sorry, I dint mean to be rude," he says with a very sincere look on his face.

"It's okay, excuse me I have to go back to work now, " I tell him as i start walking away.

" Wait, can you bring us some more beers please? "

" I don't think am ready for your friends rude remarks again, especially now that he is drunk. " I'll get some one to do that for you. "

" You have a very beautiful voice by the way. It goes hand in hand with your beauty, " he says smirking.

" Thank you, " I tell him as i walk away smiling.

I told you his smile was contagoius or was I blushing.

Men! I've got to get my shit in order.

The next few hours go by so fast. Its almost 5am and I have to be at the law firm before six. The firm is a 45 minute drive from the bar and I have to leave now if I didn't want to be late.

" Hey Nick, have you seen lisa? I can't seem to trace her.

" She is already gone. She left with one of you first customers, "

" Really? What a surprise?"

" Come on Vee, there's no surprise there. She does that almost every night. "

" I know, but am not surprised because of her, anyway bye boss , see you later. "

" Bye vee. "

I rush out heading to the bus stop to catch the morning bus.

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