chapter 25

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Am in my room, working on something on my laptop. I slept most of the day  and now I've got so much work on hands. My head ache has still not subsided yet and so I decided to work from home.

Everything that happened last night with Lisa, is still a blur and am starting to doubt the drink she gave me. There was definitely something in there.

I was stupid to trust her but am more than glad it's all over now.

Antony ,my  P. I  called me in the early morning and told me that some other guys are also looking for my sister  and he suspects that she's in big trouble.

He said that this people are bad news and he's still not sure,what they want from her.

I dont know what mess she has gotten herself into this time. All I know is that I've got to find her as soon as possible, before they do.

As am busy typing, George walks in my room, not bothering to knock.

" Hey George, what brings you here."

"Why is your phone off? I had to go  to your office ,just to find out  you never came in today, " he says. He seems kind of nervous and scared at the same time as he paces around the room.

" I turned it off since I was too exhausted and I didn't want anyone disturbing me. What's going on with you and would you please stop pacing back and fourth. You're making my head ache worse than it is. "

" I really messed up today, and  I don't know what to do. Am freaking out!"

" Okay.... Just calm down and tell me everything. "

" Okay, he says taking a seat. " Vee found me in my office , having sex with Meghan !"

" So you forgot to lock the door again?  You should really stop doing that or at least make sure you always lock the door .Anyway, what was vee doing in your office. "

" She works there. She has been working there for almost two months now, and I didn't know, Imagine that! "

" Okay.....that explains why I saw her there, Men!  This world is really small huh?

" Yap, now I've lost any chance I had with her. There's no way she'll ever forget what she saw. "

" Yeah, you are so right about that. I mean, what I saw that day  is still clear in my head ."

" Hey, you are not helping," he said hitting me lightly, on my arm.

" What's your problem dude? Weren't you already done with her. "

" I was but after seeing her today, I just can't  seem to get her out of my mind. "

" Oh boy!here we go again," I say face palming myself. "You still remember that she wants nothing to do with you, right?

"Yes, I do. How can i forget that and also the fact that she has a boyfriend. "
" She actually doesn't have a boyfriend. That guy was just lying ."

" What?! " he asks his face lighting up. " She's single?!

" Yes but still, don't forget that she's not interested in you. There's no use in getting your heart broken a second time now, is there ?"

"I know that but love isn't always a bed of roses. I'll give it a try just one last time. You know am never one to give up that fast. "

" Of course you're not.You are a lawyer after all," I say shaking my head.

" Yeah....that reminds me, your Dad withdrew a very large amount of money today. He needed me there since I am your family lawyer and I found it fishy when he asked me not to tell you. "

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