chapter 20

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" What?!  How could she talk to you like that? She's such a bitch, " Maya says and I glare at her. " What? "

"Don't call her that. she's just really confused and thinks she's in love with Alex. Lets hope she gets back to her senses soon."

" But it's still not okay that she's blaming you for all her problems. The next time she does that, am going to teach her a lesson she won't forget.No one messes with my sister! " Maya says furiously, fisting her hand."

" Yes, and you can count me in , " Rita adds in and I can't help but smile.

We are all sitting at the dinning table having breakfast and i have just told them about  everything that happened in the club last night  and this two are been so dramatic .

I rarely talk about stuff that happens at the club but today I just had to tell someone about Lisa and all her crazy accusations.

I know  that they are right about what Lisa said but i understand that she's under a lot of stress since she was fired from the club.

I still dont get why she was fired but am guessing Stacy must really have a lot of connection.

I just don't understand why  Stacy is still with Alex after he cheated on her. I mean,shouldn't she be punishing him for betraying her and not Lisa?! Anyway, that's none of my business.

" No  one is going to teach Lisa any lessons here okay? "

" Okay, " The both reply sounding disappointed.

"But if you ask me, I think this Alex kind of likes you and that's why he doesn't want George anywhere near you." That's Maya been her crazy usual self.

" Stop talking crazy Maya, The only person Alex likes is himself, " I say rolling my eyes.

" Did you guys say that Alex has a friend named George? " Rita asks .

" Yes, why? "

" I just happen to know two best friends with the same names but I guess it's just a coincidence, mostly because the Alex I know is such a nice person. "

" It must be," I say as I take a Sip of my tea.

We spend the rest of the day, cleaning up and after, I take a nap as the girls watch tv.

" Hey vee,wake up," Maya calls out and I wake up with a yawn.

" What's wrong Maya? why did you wake me! " I ask wiping my eyes.

I sit up on the bed and glare up at her, waiting for an explanation as to why she woke me up.

" Calm down sister, it's not my fault that you have a visitor. "

" A visitor?!  "

" Yes, Nick is here and he needs to talk to you urgently. "

Nick ?! That's strange

Nick and I used to hang out a lot when I first started working at the bar, and he  also used to visit me , but then suddenly he stopped coming over to my house. I never understand why but i also never bothered to ask since our friendship wasn't affected in any way. Now it's kind of strange that he's here.

" Okay, I'll be there in a few."

Maya walks out and I go to the bathroom to wash my sleepy face.

Nick is all alone when I walk in the sitting room. A frown is masking his face and he also looks worried about something.

" Hi Nick, what's up? and where are the girls? "I ask joining him on the couch.

"  Hey vee,  they went out and am sorry to wake you, but this can't wait."

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