chapter 40

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" What drama? And why is your mum insisting on vee been at the dinner. How does she even know her?! George asks looking confused.

" well... " Alex starts off and tells him the whole story.

" So your Mum thinks that vee is your fake pregnant girl friend?! " George asks eyes wide open.

" Yes and vee agreed to help out. " That's Alex.

"I don't think it's a good idea. I mean, Stacy knows Vee and am sure Merghan has already told her that am interested in vee. She'll surely use this against you. "George says and I completely agree with him.

" George is right. I told you that lies always end in a crazy way and am really not a good liar. I've never lied once in my life and I don't want to mess this up for you. "

" It's okay if you don't want to play along. I know you have a lot of things going on right now and maybe it's time I tell mum the truth, " Alex says and I can tell he's kind of nervous.

" Come on vee, you promised to help him out! You know he's only doing this for her own good. What if her health is affected ?"Rita asks making me feel guilty.

They are helping me out a lot and I did promise to help Alex out.

" Okay..... but am really nervous about this. Am not sure I'll be able to lie, especially to your father," I say biting my lips.

" Don't worry about my father, " Alex says looking at me weirdly." I'll take care of him. Now, who we have to worry about is Stacy. Am sure she's has something on her sleeve ."

" There's actually nothing to worry about. The only thing Stacy knows about you, is that you work with George and that he's interested in you. If that happens to come up during the dinner, George will have to say that it was just a stupid rumor ," Ava says.

" You can do that, right George, " Alex asks.

" Of course, why not, " he says in a bored expression.

" You don't have to act all excited about it!" Alex says sarcastically rolling his eyes.

" I just hope all this ends soon am already stressed out. "

''I hope so to," George says getting up. " Vee can I talk to you for a minute please. "

" Sure, " I say earning a funny look from Rita.

He leads the way walking into a room that I didn't know existed. It's looks like a movie theater, with a huge screen at the far end and very comfy sofas in the middle.

" Wow! " I say my eyes roaming around.

" Haven't you been here before? " George asks.

" Nope! and to think I live here, " I say shaking my head.

" We usually came here to watch our football games or movies. You can call it the fun room as Stacy used to call it. This was one of her favorite rooms. She and Alex used to spend a lot of time here, watching movies but mostly, making crazy love.They were really in love, " he says a smile on his face and I don't get why he's telling me all this.

" Okay," I say giving him a confused look. " Did you call me here to tell me all about Stacy and Alex's love story? "

" Of course not. I called you here to talk about us. "

" There is no us, George. "

" I know ,but i would really love it if there was. Can we please sit, " he says and I shake my head.

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