Chapter 41

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It's about ten in the morning and am at the hospital with Maya. She's still not showing any sign of improvement yet and am not sure how much more of this I can take. I've really tried my level best to pull myself together for the past few days but am starting to shatter.

What if she never wakes up?!

"No, no, no Vee, stop it! You have to be positive. She's is going to wake up, she has to! " I say to myself pushing the negative thought away.

A few seconds later the door is pushed open and Rita walks in.

" Hi vee, " she says walking towards me.

" Hey. "

" Why didn't you wake me up? I didn't even hear you leave and why is your phone off? You got me worried for a minute there. "

" Am sorry, I didn't want to disturb your sleep and my phone is dead. I forgot to charge it last night. "

" Okay...Anyway Alex was asking for you. "

" Why? " I ask my heart skipping a bit.

" I don't know but I think it's about the dinner tomorrow. "

" Okay. I guess I'll talk to him later," i say my mind going back to what happened last night.

One of the reasons I left the house early today was so that I won't bump into him.

After I kissed him last night , I panicked and stormed out of the sitting room, locking myself in my room.

I felt so stupid.

I really don't know what got into me and right now he must think am a slut, like he always said I was. But to tell you the truth, I don't regret a thing! The feeling of his lips on mine and the crazy way he explored my mouth with his tongue made me feel alive in all sought of ways.

He's surely doing something to me that I can't comprehend. The crazy thing is that am loving it!

Am sure what Alex said about dying to kiss me was just from the heat of the moment.

I mean, we are both kind of lonely and vulnerable and that's why it happened, right?


Who am I trying to convince here? Am really falling for him!

" Hey Vee, " Rita says snapping her fingers at me. " Did you hear a word I said? Why are you always zoning out on me?

" Am sorry, what were you saying?"

" I was saying that we have to go shopping. we need to buy an evening gown that will make you look even more gorgeous than you are " she says excitedly. " I want to make sure Alex drops his jaw when he sees you. "

" First off, it's only dinner not a wedding and secondly, I don't have money for a dress right now, let alone a gown! "

" You don't have to worry about the money, Alex already gave me his credit card. "

" And you think am going to use your brothers money?! You guys are already doing more than enough for me."

" Oh come on Vee! Not this again? " You know that it's important you look your best tomorrow night, especially now that Stacy is coming. We have to show her you are the Queen here!"

" But am not! You are forgetting that it's all for show."

" It might be but the rest of my family doesn't know that. You still have to play your part right."

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