chapter 17

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Am on my way to George's house and I've tried to call him with no avail . I can't believe I have to play stupid games just to get away from Stacy and her craziness.

I really dont like lying to mum but I'd rather that  than tell her the truth, which would probably kill her.

I knock on George's door and stand there for a few a hole minute before he unlocks it. I put my leg in between the door when he tries to slam it on my face as soon as he sees me and walk right in.

" What the fuck men! You should stop acting like a little brat. "

" And you should stop acting like a bitch already. All this calling and stalking is making me think you are in love with me. For your information, am totally straight."

" Stop playing already, am in deep shit and I need your help. "

" Why would you think I'd help you after what you did to me, " he says walking over to his kitchen and grabbing a drink. He later on walks over and sits  on the sofa.

" How long will you keep doing this? okay... am sorry, I promise I won't mess with vee again," I take a seat beside him.

" You are apologizing to the wrong person here, you already destroyed any chance I had with her," he says with a frown.

Looking  at him, I can tell that he's really hurt by her rejection and i feel sorry for him. He really did fall for her, hard!

" If you want i'll apologize to vee personally, I really didn't think that whatever I said to her will mess with you to. Am really sorry, I promise not to interfere with you two anymore. Am going to let you make your own mistakes and learn from them," I say patting his shoulder.

" She has already asked me to stay away from her, so whatever you are planning to do, will not help me in any way. "

" I'll talk to her myself and make everything right again. "

" I don't think that's a good idea, you two can't even stand the sight of each other. Isn't it funny how she's punishing me for your mistakes , kind of what you are doing with her, " He says and I look at him confused.

" What are you talking about? "

"  I know that the only reason you don't like vee is because of her comparison with Stacy,  I mean they both have the same angel faces, same height and body physique. They are are also daring, and that's why you lashed out on her the first time you saw her, because she reminds you of Stacy."

" I beg to disagree with you about that, I dont think they are similar in anyway. The only reason i don't like her is because i know what kind of girl she  is. "

" How would you know that, yet you know nothing about her, " George says gazing at me ."

"okay, I admit that I did let out my frustrations on her and that wasn't fair but I still don't think she's right for you. "

"I don't fucking care what you think Alex and if you really want to make everything right again, you have to keep you word and apologize to vee."

" Okay....I will, but can we talk about me now!"

" Okay, " he says with a bored tone." What did you do now? "

" Stacy twisted the story and lied to my mum, claiming that I was the one cheating. Can you believe that chic?! "I say looking at him but he doesn't   look surprised in the least.

" What did you expect?  You should know that she's capable of doing anything by now ."

" Well, that's not the worst part, Mum is sick and is not supposed to be in any kind of stress and Stacy is using that against me. Mum was forcing me to marry Stacy and to save myself  I told her I was already in love with some other girl , who's  expecting my child. "

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