chapter 29

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What the hell is he doing here?

He looks shocked to see me too, but am not buying it. Now am more than sure that he's following me!

" What are you doing here? " we both ask simultaneously and Rita is looking at us confused.

" Wait, do you two know each other? " Rita asks her eyes playing ping pong from me to Alex.

"Yes, " am the first to answer. " He's the Alex I was telling you about the other day. "

" So you talk about me? " Alex asks with a smirk. " I always knew you had a crush on me, " he says winking at me and i can't help but roll my eyes, something am so used to doing everytime that he's around.

The nerve of this guy!

" You wish, " I tell him, my eyes moving to Rita,who has a smile on her face." Do you know him? "

" Yes vee, he's my big brother, " she says and i swear my knees go weak.

But how can it be? The brother she was telling me about sounded so sweet and caring but Alex, is the opposite of that!

Wait a minute, this also means that Alex and Nick are also brothers!

This is so beyond crazy!

I wonder if Alex knows about this?

No.... If he knew about this I'd be jobless right now since his father owns the place and that automatically makes him my boss!

Fuck! This is so not my day.

" Hey vee, come back to us. " Rita says snapping me out of my thoughts. " Are you okay? "

" Yes, I just can't believe that he's your brother. I mean, he's nothing but mean, grumpy and so full of himself . "

" Hey, am still here you know," Alex says.

" I know," I say glaring at him.

" You are so fucking annoying! "

" Really? " I say with raised eye brows. " Look who's talking."

" You two are very entertaining to watch?" Rita says a smile still plastered one her lips.

" Ava, can you please excuse us for a second," Alex says and I look at him confused.

Alone! What's he up to now and why are they calling her Ava?!Am surely going to ask her once I get the chance.

" Why? " I ask my gaze still on him.

" Are you scared to be left alone with me? "

" Of course not! I just dont think we have anything to talk about, especially not alone! "

" You actually do, " Rita says walking towards me. " Give him a chance to explain himself, please?" she asks and I nod. I mean, what choice do i have. "

" Sit, " Alex says pointing at a chair in front of him an I oblige as he sits next to me.

I am a nervous wreck right now and am not sure why!

"Violet , "Alex says looking straight at me and all I can think of right now is how gorgeous his eyes are. " What are you up to? "

" What are you talking about? " I ask not sure what he was saying.

" Do you really expect me to believe that all this is a coincidence?! Just so you know ,I don't believe in coincidences ," Alex says his eye still on me as if studying me.

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