chapter 44

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'' Have you found him yet ?'

'' No , I've looked for him in all the places he usually goes to when he's pissed off ,but he's nowhere to be seen.''

Am on the phone with George whos out looking for Alex. After he left the house ,Stacy dropped another bomb on his mum. She said she'd slept with her husband and that's the reason why Alex broke up with her and that led to Alicia having a stroke.

Stacy left no stones unturned to destroy everything and she succeeded.

We are all now crazy worried at the hospital waiting for some news. I really feel bad for Alex and I cant believe how much worse he's going to feel when he finds out that his mum is in a critical condition. I know he's mad at her , but she's still his mum.

This turn of events was so unexpected and I feel for the whole family. Especially Rita who thinks its partly her fault that Alicia ended up in the hospital. Silent tears have been falling from her eyes since we got here.

''Okay, I guess he'll find out about his mum when he gets back then.'

'' I guess so too. I'll be at the hospital in ten minutes.''

'Okay ,'' I say hanging up.''

George gets here some minutes later and after what feels like forever , the doctor is out of the emergency room.

''I thought I asked you guys to take better care of her? "the doctor asks.

''We tried our best Sam , but what happened was out of our control. Please tell me how she's doing,' Joe says.

''She's not doing well at all. I looked into her health history and found out that Alicia was born with a hole in the heart which wasn't severe and didn't require any treatment then. The hole has with time increased the amount of blood that flows through the lungs and caused damage to the blood vessels in the lungs. This is what is causing the high blood pressure and heart failure, and due to all the stress she had a stroke, '' the doctor pauses for a second as we take in what he just said.''

"I had already told you that she was undergoing treatment ,but her heart is failing and the treatment is not effective anymore. What she needs now is a heart transplant and if its not done within a year we are going to loose her.''

''How fast can we get a heart doctor?'' Rita asks amongst tears.

''That is the hard part Ava. The hardest organ to get is a heart and a lot of people are on the wait for one. But, I promise we'll do our best to get one for Alicia. She won't be awake until tomorrow and I suggest you all go home and rest now.''

'' George please take them home,' Joe who seems to be in shock says. It's as if all blood on his face has drained out. ''

''Okay," George says .

We are home in a few minutes and I tuck Rita in, making sure she's asleep, before joining George in the living room.

''How are you,'' he asks the second I sit.

'' Am fine.''

''You don't have to lie to me. I know you are not used to this kind of drama.''

'' Am used to more than this George .''

'' I still don't think that this is a very good environment for you. I mean, you are already going through a lot and been in this house is only adding to your stress,'' he says and I look at him trying to understand what he's trying to say.

''Why don't you move in with me. You'll have your piece of mind in my apartment and you don't have to pretend to be anyone's pregnant girlfriend there.''

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