chapter 56

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" Shit! I curse as i slowly try to open my eyes but they feel so heavy. My mind is still kind fuzzy and I can't remember what exactly happened. Am sure I am in a car,since i can feel it moving and am lying on the backseat.

" So.... where are we going? " I hear a voice say and am more than sure it's Mikes voice.

Mike! I think to myself as i recall everything that happened happened!

I was talking to Vee on the phone and I remember her telling me to say away from Mike, but before I could turn a run out of the place, Mike knocked my phone off my hand and put a clothe on my nose and that's when everything went dark.

No wonder I have this crazy head ache!

But am Still so confused! What reason does Mike have to do this to me? Something really bad must have happened when I was still in the hospital but what?

"You'll find out once we get there," Another voice says and I can swear it sounds so familiar but I just can't seem to figure out whose voice it is.

" I just hope you don't back out on our deal ," Mike says.

" Don't worry I won't ,you can have Vee once am done making her pay for almost leaving me without a leg. "

Wait...Uncle Peter!

Oh fuck! He found us!

Vee was so right, He's planning to use me to get to her!

I really messed up! I should have never left the house in the first place place.Am sure that Vee won't think twice before risking her life for me but i can't let that happen.

Not again!

She already went through a lot in the past just for me, and it's not fair that she has to go through it again!

" Okay, " Mike says.

This two are crazy!

But how did they even meet!

Anyway, that doesn't matter, I have to find a way to get myself out of this situation that I stupidly led myself into.

I slowly lift up my hands and try to open the door and windows,making sure they can't see me, but they are locked.

What do I do now !

I can try to break the window with my feet but they'll obviously see me! And I don't think am strong enough either.

Maybe I should pretend to be asleep the whole time and as soon as the car stops and the doors are unlocked, I'll jump out and ran as far as my feet can carry me. I was always a good athlete and am sure I can outrun them even in my condition.

The drive feels like forever! Where the hell could they be taking me?

I sigh softly once the car finally comes to a stop. With the speed of lighting, I quickly jump from my seat and open the door as soon as its unlocked. I rush out using every strength in me and ran for my life screaming for help.

" Maya stop! " I hear my uncle shout from behind as he runs after me but I keep on running." I swear I'll shoot you if you don't," he says but that doesn't scare me.

I'd rather die than let Vee suffer all over again! I'd gladly sacrifice my life for her.

I can feel myself getting weaker and out of breath. Am sure if I don't stop i'll probably pass out. I look over my shoulder and I can't see either my uncle or Mike. I finally lost them!

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