chapter 21

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I am not in the mood to start any more arguments and so I turn to Nick and ask him if we can leave and he nods. As am about to slide in the car, Alex takes my hand and gently pulls me out and I swear my body warms up just by his touch.

What the hell is  happening to me?!

" What the fuck men?!  Nick says furiously walking towards Alex his hands fisted but I stop him.

What is it with men and fighting all the fucking time?!

" Nick, it's okay, " I assure him as i turn back to face Alex and gesture for him to release my hand, which he does.

" Wow vee!  You have so many defenders huh? Where do you get them from?  I think i should get me one too, " Alex say the silly grin still on his face.

I don't get why am always bumping into Alex and am really starting to think that he's actually a stalker. I mean, why the hell is he everywhere I go?!

Can he maybe be living here? Well that's possible since he's a spoilt rich brat.

"  What do you want and Why are you everywhere? " I ask calmly  trying my best not to lash out on him. 

" I was actually about to ask you the same question. Isn't this your boss? I didn't know you two were dating. I thought you  never mix business with pleasure ? " he asks still smiling.

" I don't give a shit what you think okay!"

" Hey, calm down. Am not trying to start no trouble ," he says raising his hands up in surrender making a silly but cute face.

" Then stay away from me,i don't want anything to do with you. "

" Hey, don't get it all twisted, It's not like I want anything to do with you either, I was just trying to be nice here  but you are too hard headed, jeez! "he says and I roll my eyes.

" You...trying to be nice?! You've been nothing but mean from the first day we met !" I yell.

" But.. I apologized."

" You only did that because George asked you too, that was no sincere apology. "

" So what's a sincere apology to you? Do you want me to get down  on my knees and beg for forgiveness ?" he asks shaking his head. " But you are right though, I only did it for George and my opinion about you is still the same especially now. I mean ,one minute you are with that Mike guy and the other your busy cuddling with your boss and you still want to be treated like Virgin Mary?! " he says and that kind of hurts.

His words always seem to affect me and i don't get why, but this time I won't hold myself back. If it's a war he wants, then a war he gets.

" I guess we are the same then, aren't you engaged and still out here chasing after Lisa and God now's how many other girls."

" Just to make it clear ,I don't  have time to chase after hoes. Its actually the opposite, I mean have you seen me?! he says with a smirk.

Ugh!  He's an egomaniac!

" So just because you look good, you think you can play around with peoples emotions and just leave them to rot in hell,like you did with Lisa?! You literally ruined her life. "

"What are you talking about? Lisa knew what she was getting  herself into and anyway, isn't that what she does for a living?

" Lisa was fired Alex, and am sure you fiance had everything to do with it." I say sighing softly.

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