chapter 39

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George seems lost of words as he keeps on looking from me to vee, and am sure we all know what he is thinking.

" What's going on here?" he finally asks.

" Nothing. I was just using Alex's bathroom since Rita's has some kind of problem, "Vee says.

Why is she explaining herself to him? She doesn't owe him any explanations.

I walk closer to her and she gets tense all of a sudden. I can't tell if it's me who's affecting but I sure hope so  since she's also doing something to me that I can't explain.

" What are you doing here?" I ask George who's has this jealous look on his face.

" I need to talk to the both of you about something ."

" I can't right now.... Am getting ready for work. " Vee says and I switch my eyes to her.

" Work? You are not going anywhere," I say and she looks at me with furrowed eyebrows.

She looks so cute with her wet hair, plastered on her back. She's a natural beauty.

" What?! "

" I said, you are not going anywhere, " I repeat and I smile as a frown forms on her face.

" You know, I wasn't asking for your permission, right? "

" I do but you are still not leaving."

" Just because I live in your house, doesn't mean that you can tell me what to do? "

" Actually it does.... You staying here makes you mine! "

" What?!" George say and I turn to him, realizing what I just said.

" I meant, my responsibility," I say looking back at vee. "It's not like am trying to control you or anything . I just don't think now is the right time to go back to work. Atleast wait until Maya is up and then, you can work as much as you wish. "

" He's right vee," George says. "You should not be in any hurry , especially when you are still stressed out. You know we are here for whatever you need. "

" Okay, " She says rolling her eyes. " Excuse me. "

" What the fuck was that all about? " George asks as soon as vee leaves closing the door behind him.

" I don't know what you are talking about ."

" I know you do! " He says angrily acting. " What did I just walk in on? "

" I don't owe you any explanations," I say taking a towel. " And who the fuck gives you the right to be jealous when your are still fucking around with Merghan , huh?

" I just hope you are not trying to steal her from me!"

" Fist of, she's not an object to be stolen and secondly, she's never been yours."

" But she'll be, soon," he says sure of himself.

" That's not going to happen ."

" What do you mean by that? "

" Figure it out and would you please excuse me, i need to take shower."

" I have something important to talk to you about first. "

" Okay, but it'll have to wait, " I say walking in the bathroom.

Am still angry with him especially after he defended that crazy girl Merghan but I really don't like fighting with him. I just hope he realizes soon that Merghan is a snake.

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