chapter 37

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This is the last thing i needed! I just can't seem to catch a break. I feel like the universe is ganging up on me!

" Are we interrupting something? " Chloe asks looking from me to Nick.

" What do you think? " Nick asks raising his eyebrows at her.

Rita has a confused look as she watches the drama unravel.

" You want to know what I think Nick?  " Chloe asks angrily, crossing her arms over her chest ." I think that you two are here on a date and  you just brought a third party so you can act all innocent and keep on hiding your secret relationship. "

" Why would we want to hide ?  Am single now and I can go out with whoever I want, " Nick lashes out on her.

This is really bad! 

I thought that after sometime, Chloe will get back to her senses and everything will be fine between her and Nick, but its getting worse!

Lisa has an amused smirk on her lips and seems to be enjoying the show. I can't believe that this is the same Lisa that was once my friend!

she's clearly insane!

" Did you just hear that? " Lisa asks Chloe. " He just admitted that they're on a date! I told you they were together. "

" Shut the fuck up Lisa! "Nick says really pissed off ." Why are you still doing this, huh? I already gave you your job back! "

So she's has her job back? Then why is she still acting crazy ?!

"That doesn't change the fact that you cheated on Chloe with vee," Lisa continues.

" Stop this madness already Lisa!" I say calmly trying not to loose my cool. " You already ruined their relationship, what more do you want? "

" I want to ruin your life like you did mine!" She says with so much hatred.

"Are you kidding me?!I never did anything of that sought and you know it. Everything I did was to try and help you. "

" Help me?!  How is taking away the only man I've ever loved, helping me?  You stole him from me you hoe!"

" Listen up you crazy bitch! if you insult vee one more time am going to wipe the floor with your ugly face!" Rita says getting up. She's fuming in anger. " You are the perfect definition of the word hoe Lisa. I mean, aren't you the one who sleeps around with every dick and Harry? "

" Who the fuck do you think you are talking to me like that? "

" Oh sorry, where are my manners," Rita says sarcastically. " My name is Rita or if you like you can call me Ava. Am vees new best friend and soon to be sister in law," she says and I look at her confused .

Sister in law? What's with everyone claiming that am Alex's girlfriend today?!

" Soon to be sister in law?  So she has trapped your brother to, " Chloe says letting out a small chuckle ." You are really something vee!"

" You brother sure is blind, " Lisa adds.

" I hate to say it but you are right . My brother must have been very blind and stupid to ever be involved with someone like you, " Rita says eyeing Lisa from head to toe. "  You are nothing compared to Vee. "

" What are you talking about? " Lisa asks clearly confused.

" Am talking about Alex. He's my big brother. "

"Is everything okay here, " one of the waiters asks walking towards us.

" Yes, everything is fine. We are just old friends catching up, " Rita says with a smile and the waiter leaves. " Now, where were we? "

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