chapter 59

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" You are so quite," Peter says,after thirty minutes." What are you thinking? "

" That.. I wish I killed you the day I shot you, " I say glaring at him.

" Too bad you lost that chance but if it makes you feel better, I almost lost my leg."

"You been dead would have made me feel much better!"

"I love the courageous woman you've become ," he says his eyes on the road.

" I hope you haven't laid your dirty hands on my sister because,this time I'll make sure to kill you after I chop off your balls! " I say meaning every word.

" Your sister will be fine as long as both of you do as I say. "

" And what exactly do you want? "

" I'll tell you everything once we get to our destination Vee, just be patient, " he says and then his phone rings.

" everything alright, " he says and is quite for a while,  listening to the person on the other end.  " What?  Are you sure about that? "

" Okay, " I'll see in a few minutes , " He says hanging up. "

His mood has changed and he is beyond angry.

We drive silently for about ten minutes before he turns driving in a secluded area and parks the car.

" Why did we stop, is Maya here?" i ask but he forcefully pulls me out of the car leading me to a black car that's  packed a few steps away from us.

What's happening?!

He opens the car door and practically throws me in the back seat, sitting  next to me.

" What the hell is happening?  Why did you switch cars?" I ask as the car speeds off, taking a different route.

" You played me Vee!" he says furiously. " You thought I wouldn't find out that we were been followed?! "

Fuck! How did he find out?!

Am so screwed!

" I don't know what you are talking about. "

" Oh really?!  Who was following us?  Is it your so called boyfriend or the cops ?!" he asks raising his voice.

" I said I don't know! Maybe someone followed me from home. "

" You've never been a good liar Vee ,I can see right through you! You thought you could fool me that easily ?!I thought you knew me better than that," he says .

" Oh come on!  You thought I'd come to you with no back up? We both know that you were not planning on letting Maya go, after you get  what we want! I had to do this for my sister. "

"I was actually having second thoughts about letting Maya go but now, I'll surely kill the both of you! " he says his eyes dark with anger. " I want to know who was following us, now! "

"It was the police! I told them everything after you called me. "

" You just ruined everything you stupid bitch!  Now the police will be on my case and I have to change all of my plans!" he says punching the back of the seat in front of him.

" You started all this by kidnapping my sister!  You brought this on your self !"

" Shut the fuck up! " he shout, dialing a number on his phone and puts it on loud speaker. " Are you still keeping an eye on the car? Did the idiots get to it yet? "

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