chapter 4

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Why are girls so wicked. What do they actually want huh? I have given Stacy everything I could but that is not enough. I just found her cheating on me with my own father, imagine that! I was really shocked when I saw them that I think I almost had a heart attack!

George offered to take me to a night club and there was no way i was saying no to that. I didn't want to commit a crime tonight and the only option was to drink my sorrows away.

" You didn't have to be rude to her," George says after I was rude to a waitress who actually deserves it.

I saw how she was checking me out and she had the guts to show me attitude when I called her a slut! I mean right now to me ,all girls are sluts especially the ones that work at the club. The least she could do is accept that.

" Excuse me? Don't you see how she gave me attitude. Who the hell does she think she is?!"

" I thought you liked girls who can defend themselves. That's what you liked most in Stacy. "

" And yet look at what she did to me? I gave her my heart and soul. My family took her in after she lost hers in the accident and this is how she repays my mum!" I slam the table in anger.

" Hey, calm down. You are letting your frustrations out on the wrong people.What she did was crazy and I hope you have learnt your lesson and won't forgive her this time "

" I will make her pay. I wont let her off the hook that easily. "

I was such a fool to think that she would change after I caught her with Max who was one of my close friends. I mean, why does she always go for the people that are close to me?

" Hi cutties, here are your drinks, " a new waitress said placing our drinks on the table and batting her eyelashes .

At least the other one had the guts to stay away,i give her that.

" Would you like anything else. Just ask for anything and you can have it... Anything, "she says with a seductive smile as she leaned over close enough for me to check out her cleavage.

She was wearing a short skirt with a tight fitting blouse that dips just right on her boob's and men were those things gorgeous. At least she knew who she was and wasn't afraid to show it, not like that immature waitress.

" Thanks but that will be all, " George says trying to dismiss her but there was no way i was letting her go that easily. She would be my best distraction for the night.

" I might need some company for tonight if you are up to it," I say to her forcing a smile.

" You don't have to ask me twice handsome. Just call me when you are ready," She says winking at me.

" I'll be sure to do that."

" Okay," she says as I watch her walk away swaying her hips seductively making me want to take her here and now.

This girl sure knows how to use her gadgets right. Damn!

" What are you up to huh? I thought you said that you were done with one night stands, " George says.

" That was when I was crazy in love with that whore Stacy. Nothing is holding me back now," I say taking a sip of my drink.

" I don't think this is a good idea."

"Hey! support me for once, am the one who is heartbroken here and don't you think I didn't see you checking out the first waitress. I know you are thinking of taking her home tonight."

" I'll admit she's gorgeous , but she doesn't look like a one night stand kind of girl. "

"Are you kidding me?! She's is definitely like all the others here, she is just playing hard to get or do you also think she is a virgin?"

" Stop it okay. You might not like her but at least admit that she is gorgeous. "

"Yeah, yeah, " I say rolling my eyes as we continue drinking.

A few minutes later an announcement is made that a so called singer vee,is about to perform and to my surprise the first waitress walked up the stage and the crowd goes bizzare.

She is wearing a red dress that reaches mid thigh and hugging her tightly showing of her sexy curves.

" Okay... I admit that she is breathtaking, " I say to George who is watching her like she just dropped out of the sky.

" Yes she is!" he says not taking his eyes off her.

I watch her sing and dance like a pro and she is surprisingly good.Our eyes lock for a second but she quickly looks away. I guess am the last person she wants to look at right now. A drunk guy tries to take her off the stage but the bouncer are quick to grab him and through him out.

The funny thing is, she continues with her performance unaffected as if nothing happened. I guess she is used to it. This girl is nothing like innocent. She is just like all the other gold diggers who will do anything for money.

" Wow! that girl has got talents, " George says as soon as she leaves the stage.

" Yeah, I bet she is talented in bed too. You should try your chance with her ,maybe you'll get lucky tonight. "

" Is it crazy, if I tell you that I don't want her only for tonight. I know i just met her but I can't seem to get her out of my mind."

" That is definitely crazy! She is not the type of woman to take home to your parents George. You just witnessed how she was dancing like a stripper just to please men and make a little money and I can see she already got you under her spell. "

" Why are you so against her, she hasn't done anything to you."

" I just don't like her okay, and speaking of the devil, " I say as I spot her at the counter .

" I'll be back, " George says and walks up to her.

This guy has definitely lost it. I watch in amusement as he flirts with her . This is so unlike George. He is not the kind of person to fall for someone at first sight especially not in a club.

They hold a conversation for a few seconds .

" Is she coming home with you tonight, " I ask him as soon as he is back.

" What do you think? " he asks sounding disappointed.

" So she is still playin hard to get. I should find her and teach her lesson. You know i can get her in my bed today if I wanted to and that will teach her!" I say as I stand to find her.

" Sit your ass down and don't you try to mess with her! I like her alot so please don't ruin this for me. Let's go , I think you have had enough. "

" Okay.. but I have to find my girl for the night. I'll see you later."

I walk over to her and as soon as she spots me, she comes over and we leave. Am so going to have a lot of fun with her tonight. Enough to get rid of all the pain from the betrayal.

There's no way am taking her to my apartment ,so I book a hotel close to the club. I explore her body pushing in and out of her furiously almost all night getting rid of all my stress ,anger and frustrations.

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