chapter 51

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I slowly open my eyes and look at Vee who's is sleeping peacefully, her head on chest breathing softly. Waking up next to her feels heavenly and I want to feel like this everyday day of my life!

I know of I've only known her for a short while, but she's captured me in a way that I can't explain.

I've never wanted a woman like I do her!

There just something about her, and now that I have her, I'm definitely not letting go of her for anything !

I think i fell for her long before I realised it. From the day I met her, she was pretty much always on my mind and arguing with her always made my day. I always felt like something was missing when I didn't see or bump into her and now I get why.

She's looks so cute and innocent and I kind of hate myself for not showing up sooner in her life. She's been through a lot in her young life but am going to make sure to change all that.

I wanted to take my time with her before been intimate but I don't want her thinking that I don't want her. This will only add to her insecurities and that's the opposite of what I want for her.

Am going to show her how beautiful she is and give her the new beginning she came here in search for.

Vee has changed my whole life completely! she's making me feel a new kind of love I didn't know existed. I don't know what she's doing to me , but I feel like I can take over the world!

I feel like a teenager who's fallen in love for the first time!

Actually, love is too weak a word for what I feel for her. Am so infatuated with her that I think I'd loose my mind if she ever left me!

What is she fucking doing to me?!

" Hey, " she says with a smile as soon as she opens her eyes, stretching out her body.

" Hi, how was your night? "

" Unforgettable! " she says biting her lips, making me want make to make love to her all over again. " What time is it?" she asks with a yawn.

" It's almost six in the morning. "

" Oh no! " she says sitting up. " Am so late! "

" Late for what? "

" Work!  I should be at the law firm by now! "

I shake my head and gently pull her back to my chest. She doesn't resist.

"You think am going to let you work with George after everything he did to you? "I say my hand running through her hair.

" But I need to work, " she says softly looking up at me.

" You actually don't need to, but since I know that you are going to be stubborn and argue with me about that, I promise to help you find another job. I just can't trust George around you anymore. "

" Okay.. I was planning on quitting anyways," she says with a smile, placing a kiss on my chest as I pull her closer.

" Would you like a repeat of what happened yesterday? " I ask with a smirk.

" A lot of things happened yesterday Alex, " she says and the way she calls my name makes me shiver."I think you should be more specific, " she says with a naughty smile biting on her lips.

Fuck!  My big guy down there is alert already!

" Am talking about the part where I kissed, caressed and tasted every part of you, " I say softly stroking her cheek. I can tell my words affected her by the way she's looking at me, her eyes full of want.

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