chapter 7: Step away from her

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Thirty minutes later Lisa comes back from the office. She doesn't look worried or stressed out so am guessing that she still has her job.

" Hey lisa," I call out as I walk to her. " What happened? "

" Nothing much. Nick just gave  me a last warning, and he was so damn serious that I actually got scared for a second," she says with a soft laugh. 

" You have to be more careful, you know you need this job, " I say trying to make her see the seriousness  in this.

Lisa had always been a joker not giving a damn about anything but that was because she was trying to hide her sorrows. She was never one to cry around or show any emotion like any other normal girl, but I know she really needed this job and I hope one day she will trust me enough to tell me the real story of her life.

" I know that but that crazy bitch was the one who attacked me first. You know am not a violent person but I wasn't going  let her get away with it , I still don't even know who she was talking about. "

" I think I do, " I say and she looks at me curiously, raising her eyebrows." Alex is the guy you spent the night with yesterday. Remember him? "

" What?!  Well, I guess now i get her.If that angel was mine ,I'd never let anyone else touch him. "

" What angel?!  That guy is the fucking devil," I say rolling my eyes.

" I know you don't like him for reasons I'll never understand, but you can't change the truth sweet heart.That guy is a sexy god, there should be a stature of him , " Lisa says smirking foolishly as i continue rolling my eyes.

I know that she is right but to me beauty comes both ways in and out, and Alex was clearly rotten to the core.

" I don't pay you guys to stand around all night, " Nick says  almost angrily from behind us.

" Sorry boss, " I say walking past him as i go back to work. There's no way am loosing my job over Alex, who is clearly non of my concern.

Am so happy it's a Sunday, simply because am not working tonight. I can't wait to get home and relax the whole day.

" Wait  up, " Lisa says as am about to exit the club.

It's the wee hours of the morning,  and it's still kind of dark outside, so it's nice having someone to walk along with.

We are not far  gone  from the club, when I get this crazy feeling that we are being followed. I stop and look over my shoulder and see two big and muscular guys speeding over to us fast.

Talk about giants.

I start to panic grabbing Lisa's hand, who still has no clue whas happening pulling her with me as i try to cross to the other side but they easily catch up to us.

" Hey pretty little things. Didn't your mum teach you never to walk alone in the streets, especially when it's dark, " one if them says standing in front of us while the  other one is behind us.

" What do you want? " I ask trying to  act tough but deep down am shaking ." We don't want any trouble. "

" No one is here for trouble doll,  we just want to have some fun, " the one from behind us says laughing, as he grabbed Lisa covering her mouth to stop her from screaming. "

" Hey stop..... "

I try to scream but my mouth is covered  and am knocked to the ground. I get up and try running back to the club screaming but someone grabs me and yanks me on his shoulder. I try to kick him with all my might but he is way to strong for me. I can hear Lisa screaming as she is been dragged away.

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