chapter 15

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"What are you doing here? How did you even find out where I leave?" I ask George who's busy looking at me.

When I walked in George and Maya were busy laughing about something and I don't like the idea that he's here and somehow bonding with my sister.

Why is everyone suddenly suddenly showing up in my house,anyways?

George stands and walks towards me looking apologetic and nervous.

" Am sorry but I didn't have your phone number and so I asked Lisa for your address. Am really sorry that I dropped in unannounced. "

What is it with Lisa giving out my address, I really need to talk to her her about this.

" Couldn't you wait for tonight? I mean, it's still very early in the morning don't you think? " I ask kind of mean, glaring at him.

" I really couldn't wait, I wanted to apologize for what happened yesterday with Alex. I know he was very rude and I hate that I couldn't do anything to stop him. I promise it'll never happen again," he says nervously.

" It wasn't your fault but I really would appreciate it if you stay away from me. I really can't stand your friend and I don't want to be the cause of your friendship breaking up ."

" Come on vee, George is a nice guy and you can't punish him for someone else's mistakes, " Maya says.

" Stay out of this Maya okay?"

She rolls her eyes and storms to the bedroom angrily.

What the hell is wrong with this girl?

" Am sorry you had to fight with your sister because of me, " He says sincerely and I can't help but feel guilty for treating him badly.

" Would you please just stop apologizing already, Look, I know you are a nice guy and all, but I can't give you whatever you want from me. Am not a call girl like your friend thinks and am not interested in making friends. I just want my life to be as simple as it has always been and I'd really appreciate it if you don't show up here again. "

George has a frown on his face and looks down in disappointment. I hate doing this to him but I have enough drama in my life and i can't afford any more.

" I understand where you are coming from but just so you know, I don't see you as a call girl. I really like you Vee and I really wanted and still want to know you better. I couldn't sleep last night just thinking of how hurt you were and that's why I decided to apologize to you first thing in the morning and that's when I realised that I like you more than I thought and it hurts me to, when you are in pain. I respect you and I promise not to bother you again but if you need me I'll always be here for you, " he says smiling lightly and walking out.

I really hate hurting him like this , but it's for the best. He just admitted to liking me and there was no way I'd ever give him what he wants, my life is complicated enough as it is.

I lay down on the sofa still deep in thought and I think I have a slight headache. Am really scared of my uncle finding us and I still haven't decided on what to do yet.

Why did he have to find us?

I really don't think I have enough strength in me to face him.

" You didn't have to be rude to him. " That's Maya.

" I wasn't rude, I was just being honest with him. I don't like the fact that you are letting, strangers in the house now,what if he was a serial killer? or worse, one of Peters spy. You have to stop been so careless Maya, especially now."

" Why do you always think of the worst scenarios vee. George looks like a nice guy and he likes you and he's also a lawyer, he can help us out. Dont you think he is sent from heaven? " Maya says and I sit up looking at her suspiciously.

" I hope you didn't tell him anything, about Peter."

" Am not that stupid Okay, " she says shaking here head.

" Good."

" Why are you so scared of falling in love? Don't you think its about time you let someone in ? You are the most beautiful and kindhearted person I know vee, you deserve to be loved and taken care of and there's no better person for that than George. "

" That will never happen. The only thing People are good at is disappointments and I've had enough of that already. Taking care of you is and Will always be my number one priority and that's all am breathing for, " I say sighing softly as I close my eyes.

" Okay then, but what will happen when I get married ,don't tell me you"ll prohibit me from getting married to?" She asks raising her eyebrows faking shock.

" Now that you mentioned it, I think we are both going to die as lonely old hags, and it's about time you come into term with that." I let out a chuckle and Maya burst out laughing.

" Not even in my wildest dreams, " she says through her laughter. " I surely will get married and have a lot of babies and I also want the same for you. "

" I know, but do you think someone will want to be with a rape victim? Am scard from life Maya and I'll never be able to live a normal life, ever.That monster destroyed me completely, " I say a tear dropping from eyes.

" George likes you just the way you are vee."

" Yeah, but once he finds out about my dark past he'll just leave me. How can i expect someone to accept me when I can't even accept myself. "

More tears continue falling as Maya bends to hold me.

I was already content with the fact that I'll always be alone and I didn't want to get my hopes up. The mere thought of a man touching me scares the hell out of me. I never got to live a normal teenage life or even have friends to talk about boys or silly things that teenagers talk about. I've already missed out on alot already .

I haven't even had my first kiss yet, but wait, does the kiss Alex gave me count as a first kiss?

I sure hope not! The last thing i want is to have had my first kiss with my second worst enemy.

" You shouldn't do this to yourself vee. You have every right to be happy just like everyone else, " she says kissing my forehead.

" Theres no way I'll ever be happy with Peter out there looking for us . I know you don't want to hear this but we'll have to leave this place. You only have three months to your graduation and as soon as you are done with highschool we are moving. Am really sorry ."

" It's okay, I wont give you anymore trouble. I know you always make the best decisions and I trust you."

" Thank you. "

I stand and give her a tight hug. Am really glad that she understands because there's no other way around it.

So guys, do you think what vee did to George was fair? 🤔

Please tell me what you think and don't forget to vote and comment. 😘

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