chapter 68

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" Wow! " You look amazing? " Maya says as soon as Rita is done with my makeup, and she's right. Rita did a pretty good job, with my face and hair, that I barely even recognize myself!

She's fantastic at this!

" Thank you Rita, " I say smiling up at her.

" Don't mention it," She says smiling back at me. "Now we should help you get dressed. We don't want you getting late to your own wedding. "

Yeah.. You heard right!

It's my wedding day and am super excited!

My sparkly silver gown is placed neatly on the bed, and my hand is kind of shaky as i reach for it.

" Are you okay?" Maya asks concern clear in her voice. " Why are your hands shacking? "

" Am fine.. Am just very nervous, and also excited! "

I still can't believe that this is happening?!

I really want to scream out loud and tell the world how happy I am!

" Don't worry Maya.. that's normal for a bride , " Rita says giving her a reassuring smile.

We had to postpone the wedding for a month, because of everything that's being happening, and believe me, it's a lot to deal with!

We are going to have it in our backyard ,the same place I got engaged in, and I totally love it!

Having the wedding here was not the initial plan but we had to change most of our plans because of Stacy. She's still out there, but the police are busy looking for her.

I really don't get how they haven't found her yet! I mean, it's not like she just dissapeared out of thin air!

Anyway, the entire house is surrounded by cops, in case she decides to give us a surprise visit, and I think she'd be stupid to do that, But we can never put anything past her.

" So.. Isn't Alicia here yet? " I ask as am busy dressing up." she promised to help me get ready. "

" Well.. She called and said that she'd be kind of late, since she had to pass by the hospital and check on the baby, but she's on her way ," Maya says.

" Okay. "

I know you are asking yourself who's baby Alicia went to see, right?

Well it's Lisa's.

After she was run over, Alex was quick to get her to the hospital. The doctors said that she had internal bleeding and severe head and brain injuries, that were pretty bad! There was no way she was going to make it.

Miraculously, the baby was still fine and they immediately did an emergency C-section and that's how they baby was delivered.

It's a girl by the way.

A very cute girl!

It's really sad that she had to loose her mother at birth.

Lisa asked to see us before she passed away, and asked for our forgiveness. She begged me to take care of her baby,and not to let her suffer for her mistakes, and I promised to.

She also did something that we will forever be grateful for. She donated her heart to Alicia!

Alicia is now fully recovered, and has no more issue with her health.

" Hi girls, how is everything going?" George asks walking in, followed by Nick and Chloe.

"I don't think you two are supposed to be here ,"Maya says stopping them at the door and glares at them.

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