chapter 16

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It's been a week since Mum got out of the hospital and I had to move in for a while, so that I could take care of her. The funny thing is she hasn't talked to me about the wedding since we got out of the hospital and I hope it stays this way.

I still haven't told her the truth yet but I am surely going to when she gets better,there's no way am marrying a sphyco.

Speaking of crazy, Stacy has been trying to so hard to seduce me the whole week with no avail. She even came to my room last night totally naked but i threw her out like the bitch she is.

The sad thing about all this is ,I still crave for her and I hate it but atleast now am kind of immune to her seduction.

George is still not talking  to me and I've been so lonely with no one to talk about what's being happening. He usually comes up with silly ideas and always makes me laugh and I miss him.

It's  Saturday in the evening and am heading to Mums room to get her down stairs for dinner. Mums room is next to Stacy's and as i walk by, I over hear her talking on the phone and I get  curious when she mentions my name. I decide to ease drop and i creep to her door.

" Yeah, your idea was great but it's really going to be hard. Alex can't even stand the sight of me this days, can you believe I showed up in his room in my birthday suit and he rejected me!  If he only knew how many men are droolling over me , " she says and pause's listening to the other end.

" Don't worry sweetheart, I have his mother wrapped up around my fingers. She's begging me for a grandchild, especially now that she thinks she's dying. If the plan works and I get pregnant, Alex will have no other choice but to accept me," she say giggling like a spoilt brat.

OK, so that's the plan! 

If she thinks that she can trap me by having my child then she's dead wrong. How stupid can she get, I mean, that's so yesterday.

" Alex ,"Mum calls ,and I turn looking at her totally startled. "

" Yes mum," I say trying not to be nervous. I hope she doesn't know what I've been up to!

" Are you ease dropping on Stacy?!

" What?! No!.I was just coming to get you for dinner and thought I should ask Stacy to join us. I was just about to enter her room," I say walking over to her.

" Okay, is your father down stairs already?

" I don't know mum, Lets go and find out. "

I take her hand and start leading her down stairs. 

" But aren't you going to get her?"

" Get who? "

" Stacy! "

" Of course I was, but since you are here now, we might as well get going and i'll send Robin to get her, " I say as I help her down the stairs.

Robin is one of our help by the way.

Dad is already in his sit and he seems  some what disturbed and I doubt that it's about mum,and sincerely speaking ,i don't give a damn. He can go to on hell for all I care.

He stands up as soon as he sees us pulling a chair for mum as we both look at each other clearly  surprised. I dont recall him ever been a gentleman and I can really smell something fishy.

" So...what has gotten into you dear husband? " Mum asks sitting down.

" Yeah Dad, what's  all the drama about?"

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